I like it. I would experiment with different borders. I think something other than black would work a little bit better. I usually stick with black or white borders and sometimes colored borders. Just experiment a little. Try something out of the ordinary. The text kind of messes with the flow but text is a hard thing to get the hang of. It's always been one of my weakest areas. The sig is also a little bit over sharpened and over saturated. Just a little bit though. All of that aside, it's really good. The flow you created through the lines is great. I really like the warm colors too. Also, the fact that it's abstract is a huge plus. It's a lot harder to create something from scratch and it's also a lot more satisfying. Good job.
looks really good! I would suggest making the border a different colour and mabye take the dot point out, but yeah better then anything I could do
I like that one, but the reflected sig you have now is fantastic, good job man. Here's one that I made after I saw this post:
No problem. The sig you have now basically fixed everything I mentioned in my first post. The text goes with the flow, it's not over sharpened or over saturated, and the border is great. The reflection adds a nice touch too. That's a lot of improvement.