SIGMA [Conflict]

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rhys J Mitchell, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    Created by RJM619

    Supported Gametypes:
    Especially designed for new gametype Conflict V1.1.

    Also supports Conquest, Land Grab, Oddball, & Team Slayer.

    Conflict is a variation of Conquest/Land Grab, but instead of simple back-and-forth action, the game emphaises multiple access points to each territory. Conflict maps have a 'Central Hub' with a greater number of entrances (other Territories have only 2) but also a power weapon. Controlling this central hub will be difficult, but its occupation gives a great advantage for taking over the rest of the map.

    The gametype is vaugely MLG-esque; BR starts, no Radar, but with no grenade starts (to prevent spamming), increased health & decreased speed. Like Conquest, there are 3 rounds of 3 minutes.

    Oh, and the official colours of Conflict are Red & Yellow. =]

    Map Description

    The map is based on the Greek letter Sigma (∑), with a few extra paths added to make it playable. It is totally symmetrical, interlocked, and most importantly INESCAPABLE! It has a roof that was taken off for the pictures.

    There are 5 territories to capture; 4 of them have 2 access points, the 5th, Central Hub has 3 making it more difficult to control.

    However, controlling this are will give you greater control of the map, and access to a power-weapon when there are 30s left of the round, to give opportunity for one final push.


    Zoomed in overview off one half of the map; the other half is identical:

    Once again; the Map has a roof and is inescapable! It was taken off for these pictures! Next person who tells me it's too easy to get out gets pimp slapped.

    Teams spawn either end, everybody spawns with Battle Rifles, but without grenades to prevent spamming.


    Also in this are is a Needler for each team leader, 2 Frag Grenades, 2 Battle Rifles, and 2 teleporters connecting each end.

    These were added because it is a timed game, and if you spawn at one end and want to get to the other, it is faster to jump through the teleporter.

    At one end of the starting point is the long corridoor linking the 2 bases; there are 2 territories in this area.

    In the middle of this corridoor is the SMG; very useful, but with a long respawn time.

    At the other end of the starting bases is the angled corridoors; use these as a direct way to push towards the central hub:

    Use the Spikers in this area to shoot round corners if you can!

    In the central hub, a Sniper spawns at 150s; it only has four shots.

    It can be used to clear out a couple of the corridoors to give your team a chance for a final push.



    Item/Respawn Time/Spare Clips


    BR x4 - 10s, 2C (these are in each base; return home if you run out of ammo)
    Needlers x2 - No respawn, 0c (there's one in each base, meant for each team leader, there never respawn and have limited ammo, so use it wisely
    Carbines x2 - 90s, 1c (one at each end of the long corridoor)
    SMG x1 - 90s, 1c (fight over this in the long corridoor)
    Magnums x2 - 60s, 1c
    Spikers x2 - 60s, 1c (one in each angled corridoor; use to shoot round corners if you can)


    Frags x4 - 90s (2 in each base; use them wisely. Players start w/o grenades to reduce spamming)
    Stickies x2 - 60s
    Spikes x2 - 60s

    Power Weapon, spawns above central hub:

    Sniper x1 - Does not appear at start. Spawns after 150s. No spare clips.


    This is map 5 in the Conflict Map Series. Click the link in my sig for the other maps. I hope you enjoy, and feedback is greatly appreciated. Keep checking back for more answers.

    Download SIGMA
    Download Conflict Gametype

    Alternative gametype here; Conflict but with SWAT settings:
    Conflict SWAT
  2. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    hmm. pretty kool. i saw diamond and hourglass and played them already. lots of fun, i have to say. i think that was before nucleus and sigma, and you're definitely picking interesting map outlines. the only thing that confused me when i played were the spawn points, but i had lots of fun anyways. you had a good idea tho and you got gameplay down very well. and now you've got quite a few good maps to play it on too, so great job.

    what i would reccommend as where you go from here, is try to change up the maps in new and interesting ways to give your map pack more variety. not to say that all four of these aren't fun, cause they really are (anyone reading, download now). but after a few more of the hallway-heavy claustrophobic close-quarters combat levels, some ppl might get bored. ideas?: go for levels that use a second level, or maybe just elevate key parts to see what happens. like in nucleus, what if that center square was on a second level with stairs leading up to it? also, maybe extend your ceilings and walls to give it an open feel and see how that works.

    again, i'm not saying your maps have problems, cuz they're loads of fun. but now's the time to start experimenting, cuz i'd really hate to see a good map pack die down

    EDIT: i really should have come in here withe more comments about this particular map as well. i'll download it and try and get back to you. having already played the others, i can already tell that this'll be fun, and the sniper in the center seems interesting :)
    #2 ThPerfectDrug77, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  3. Deefour

    Deefour Ancient
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    its to easy to get out great map..looks good 5/5...D/Ln now
  4. KG Gods STDs

    KG Gods STDs Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool but i can see this map going further in v2. Good post and good map.
    Happy Forging,
    KG Gods STDs
    Dunkeldragon15 likes this.
  5. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    i really like wat u did in your pick of the weapon layout, that was pretty clever
  6. Dunkeldragon15

    Dunkeldragon15 Ancient
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    I have to agree with KG Gods STDs this looks good but v2 seems like it would be better. Maybe next time add like a second level to it.
  7. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Hmm, this isn't bad. I like how even everything looks, and I can applaud your doing so.

    What I don't like is the "tunnel feel." When I make maps, I try to think of how actual Bungie-made maps play, and what spots are "hot" for players to go to. When I think of a tunnel map, I think of the Rocket Tunnel or Camo Tunnel on The Pit. Now, how often do players just kinda chill in those tunnels? Not very often, right?

    Well, that's my only serious problem here. Any maps that's made up entirely of small, enclosed tunnels will leave players to be subject to the "bottleneck" syndrome. There will be little room for players to apply the proper spacing techniques, and any opposing player with the ability to pull the left trigger will become quite the nuisance.

    So, I write all this to say that I applaud the execution of the idea, but not the idea itself. Geometrical shapes and such are fairly simple to accumulate. Your post is very nice, as is your method of showing weapon placement. From the pictures and explanation, I give this a 3/5.
  8. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    It looks like a map inside a Frigate. It looks very fun to play in. 5/5, and I'll DL and see how it is on the playing field.
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Ok for real, you make some really nice maps. Like you bring a new style of map making to the site. I can't wait to see what your new project is
  10. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i thought were you the person who made hour glass i like these maps they are quite map i like how you make it CTF well done 9.5/10
  11. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Yet another awesome conflict-map. way to go man! I will download this too and try this as soon as I can. 5/5.
  12. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    That looks easily escapable, cmon, you should know by now!
    Otherwise besides that, it looks great, 5/5, but what do you mean by that sentence above, anyway?
    #12 Big Boy 2013, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  13. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
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    very original, 4/5 i like the hallways
  14. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    i love maze maps, so that is a bonus right there! the interlocking and all the technical stuff looks great too. playability wise it looks awesome! overall really cool map great job!
  15. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Very hallwayish but kewl map. Nice and clean interlocking though. I love the window panels =] they awsome.
  16. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    Wow V2 seems to be getting pretty good feedback for a map that doesn't exist!

    Anyway, some answers for y'all.

    Hmmm that actually is a good idea for Nucleus. I think I might do that; thanks for the suggestion.

    I see what you mean, but the map is a Land Grab map - so bottlenecking isn't really a problem.

    Thankyou - if you wanted to nominate me for the Forge Awards or whatever they're called - that would be greatly appreciated!

    Yep that's me!

    I'm not sure if you mean escapable (which it isn't - the map has a roof, but it was taken off for the pictures); inecapable means you are unable to escape it.

    Thankyou; check out my other maps you'll love them too - I recommend Diamond.

    It's a pretty simple maze but thanks anyway!
  17. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    I meant escapable =), but I was joking unless you dont know.

    (Or am I?...)
    #17 Big Boy 2013, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  18. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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  19. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    I've had a look at all five of your submitted Conflict maps (there are only five, right?), and I have to say, I'm impressed. Not only have you taken an existing gametype and adapted it to make something new, but you've already made it a standard gametype by publishing five maps for it.

    All of them look like they should be the source of fun, and hopefully you'll release some more soon. Even better, maybe some other forgers will make some of their own XD

    Once I've got through my enormous queue, I'll definitely download them.
  20. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    waht are up with the spawns in the first picture?

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