4 player FFA map. To all those who were disappointed, I'm sorry, this is better. The gametype is also better too. You start off with swords and the scrore is up to 150 (KOTH). Please download the gametype also. Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Where you Spawn: Overview:
wow um you didnt really doo much i have seen way better maps of what you are trying tto do so ya nice job
this level is very easily escapable. why would someone want to on a King of the Hill game? simply put: because they can. I have a friend who's total purpose on halo is to break my maps (or rather, show me how it's done) because if he doesn't do it, someone else will and they will complain about it non-stop. make a roof like you had before some how, and slant it up to your new area. thats nice. just close it up now. good luck
looks pretty bland form the pics and really, really ugly. the gameplay also looks horrible. I would suggest adding more aestetics, and get advice on good gameplay from someone with more experience.
Hey, decent map looks empty. I've seen many of it's kind. Doesn't have anything special or original. Don't mean to sound horrible just trying to give you advise. 2/5. Keep forging.
It does look quite like a boring game to be honest. With only one hill the game is likely to be over really quick too. With the resources avaliable i think that you could have made the map a little better EDIT: It is only a casual map though so it doesn't matter too much
No. This map does not meet the requirements nowadays. There must be a roof at all times, or everyone will just jump out. Honestly, nobody plays the maps anymore, they just escape. Maybe put a roof and a foolproof way to stop spawn camping and we may have a map.
This is a step up from version one and I am pleased with the results. In this one interlocking was used ad it is a lot neater. The map however does lack innovation which will draw downloads. Maybe a roof could be made but that won't help your map out. I suggest keeping the original design but adding tons of aesthetics around the central area. Make an interesting roof if you have to and merge lots of stuff just to look good.
i think some interlocking would be nice, and like Aranore said, Make a roof. other than that it's a pretty good map, 3/5.
Umm is there a roof? I can easily see people getting out of the map, so during slayer everyone wouldnt even be in the map most of the time. So maybe add more walls and a roof.
Nice idea, but there should of been away to keep the players from escaping. The map looks like it could use some touch ups and it does not look very fun in my opinion. I think you should edit it a little more, anyways nice try 2/5
Your map has been done more than a few times and everyone was right, idiots like to get out of maps for no reason. which will then dumb down the gameplay. also you do need to make itmore appealing to people thinking about downloading it. I would give you a 1/5, sry just cause everyone can do that in like 5 min.
From what I'm viewing, and from what I will see in the time to come, there are SO many unintelligent posts stating that you need pictures, or you need interlocking, geo-merging, aesthetics, etc... Why won't you members grow up? This forum IS NOT Bungie.net, so don't you dare bring your bad habits to this website. It's absolutely sickening to see members just post a one to two sentence comment that either flames, or completely singles out someone just because the map doesn't look pleasing enough. You newer (and some old) members fail to realize that a map variant isn't about aesthetics (unless it's in the aesthetics sub-forum), it's about sole gameplay. Looks are just something to make it more flashy. I will be watching this tread, as I do for many others, so back off on the stupid posts. Wow, just, wow. Im not sure if anything can get dumber than that. Edit: to the people who start having fits about me - repping you, you have to understand that I had a perfectly good reason to do so. Rating, saying it needs more to be appealing, more interlocking, that's the type of **** that is killing the map forums on ForgeHub. I can't see why you members don't seem to get this yet. So when you decide to return the favor by - repping me, that just shows that you are very immature.
Not bad, I mean at least you interlocked but I assume that you are aware of how empty this map is. Just add more.