just geo-merge a box into the wall outside of the bak hallway til it goes through. Only Iv0rY can own when Iv0rY is around...
I find it interesting that put of the 42 votes, only 1 person voted for the unique weapon set. Shows how much some people care about weapons. Or maybe the back alley merging was just that impressive. 9
but dont forget that some voted for all of the above and that means they like the merging in the back alley and the weapon set
True, I thought you (JAY) would've commented on what Iv0ry said. Becaue what fallenrat forgot to mention was that you were on our team. 8
But dont forget that JAY the Clash of Battle rifle owns even more when JAY is around . yes i know i forgot to reply to it
The person who voted Weapons was Matty. I am so happy with the reception Pankration has received so far. 4
The main thing that i think could be improved upon in this map is aesthetics, everything is set out nicely, but parts of it look dis jointed, and there are no major aesthetic features. of course, game play is more important, but since you have that down, i think you should work on aesthetics if you plan on releasing a V2. pfft, i lol at your attempts to diminish my awesome...
In all fairness your Poll is pretty bland. What if there is something they don't like? What if they dont like any of it? Criticism will help you improve alot more than Appreciation.
sure you are... i think... go to the OP and click edit, if it's not there, click edit again, otherwise i don't know...
Yeah you cant alter the poll, I think the only way you can do that is by asking a mod. But onto the map, the other day I played a 2v2 on it and it played superb.
WOW! This has a very fresh layout, something different for anybody! And I must say, you picked the most difficult possible spots on the map to do your merging, and your interlocking is so clean, I took a double take. Top notch map, amazing merging and interlocking...I just need to play it...
I Seriously think you put way too much effort into all this... and merging the crane isn't that big of a deal, sorry.
Can you do it? Can your map even remotely be matched up to this? NO it cant, dont be so jealous. When I looked at your MLG map it has so many faults. So dont judge someone for putting to much time into there map. Jeez
You can never put too much effort into something. you just say those thigns to make yourself to feel better because you wish you could make something like that. Can you merge in the crane?
how in gods name did u get that box merged in that hallway it dosent even fit lol this is wat my freinds gay freind would say "mods??????" lols 10/10
I've actually written part of a review on this map (sorry its taking so long linou, I'm away until this weekend, if the others want to finish the review themselves then it will be out sooner) and I really like it. Its got an open yet covered quality that I've never seen in quite this way before. Movement is fluid, geomerging is very good and overall balance seems very nice. I'm still impressed with the double box in the back corridor, I just sat and stared when I first saw it. Nice one linou, someone will get the review done very soon I promise, as this map deserves publicity (Ima look reeeeal stupid if the review is already published)