A reworking of Eviscerate's center structure? not a problem imo, that map was amazing! Great job Blood, you have a lot of talent, and you seem to be going crazy with your maps. Keep them coming brother, and I'll keep on downloading =]
this map looks very aesthetic, adn looks to have a fantastic layout, the ninth picture not including the title picure, looks the coolest in my opinion. how do you geo merg that low? mine always kicks up
Lol thanks spagitite. Some of them accualy have very nice maps thow Lol thanks. Good next I will take your body... muhahhaa Ahh thanks ! The fence wall bridges were sopose to be a feature of the map hmm lol well once your home i hope you like it
really great map, i love the bridge structures. great job with this, the interlocking is amazing. its great to see a map with a grav hammer too, lol its underused 5/5
Please put more though into your posts as this may be considered spam The map is amazing and combines the best of aesthetics and gameplay. Everything seems balanced and though the ghost is an odd addition to the map. Geomerging and merging give this map a distinct shape and allow for esay movement. Small touches such as the submerged mancanon make the map very original. great job 10/10
This map is truly amazing. I played a CTF game on it with Bl00D and the gameplay is so fun. The sniper chute makes for some fun gameplay. Keep it up B100D F1R3 10/10
So yeah, I got done playing a 3v3 slayer here earlier... I loved it. The only thing I would change though is the placement of the power weapons. I mean, the Spartan laser is RIGHT next to the Sniper. (basically anyways) And the Grav. Hammer is kind of close to the shotgun, but it's not that bad. You could always put the shotgun where the mauler is and put the mauler where the shotgun would be. I think you should move the Spartan Laser to on top (or below) the double wall in the fifth pic. you have. (The one next to all the dumpsters and the single plasma nade) That's the only real thing I say should be changed. Another last thing, in the OP you should list all the weapons, equipment, and all the vechicals on the map. I give this map a 4.5/5. (Only because I think the power weapon placement could be better)
looking really good, some cool features and looks like uv spent allot of time onit and its really paid off, a cool layout and looks really neat good job
The Laser and sniper are a bit further apart then they seem. You physicaly need to go around a eniter section of the map to get there. And even thow they are close it still seems balanced
Wow! This map is amazing! Flawless! Perfect! Feature fo sho! Mkay. Anyways, it was obvious that you reworked Eviscerate right from the start. It also reminds me heavily of TDH's featured map that I forgot the name of already. /sigh
Your map looks great. I like the two stairs as bridges and how you have made a purple power up in the middle of it. All of the structures and brides look very clean. all though i dont really like ghosts, i find they can sometimes ruin a maps playability. you have done a great job in blocking off the bases on foundry, unlike some people do it at the last second. But yours looks very well built. I can see you have put lots of time into your map and I hopefully you get featured.. good luck
Thanks Jay. I really hope it dose. But I dunno. There was one little thing i wanted to change on it thow