try submitting your own ideas for coloring screens, then show a pic you used it with. like this: you could use powerups to tint your pictures by going inside them now show your own ways to get cool colors in your screens
There is also a cool affect if you stand really high in Foundry in the Light coming from outside. It gives a really blinding shiny affect. Also you can blow up a Power Drain and that works too. Heres a pic where a blocked a spartan laser shot with the powerdrain. It kindof shows you the shower of powder
what i usually do is plasma, spike or human grenades. go into the explosion and look at your spartan. Keep going in and out and find the effect that looks best for you. There's also invisible with explosions in the front looking at something.
me and my freind like the idea of grenades and equitment mixed with the juicy gloomy stuff , u can do a brill epic pic