I'm sticking with I Am Legend. And now that you bring it up, Cloverfield had a pretty bad ending. Great movies, bad endings
Aggh. Maybe I don't know a crappy movie when I see it, but Cloverfield had a good plot and ending, it just wasn't done the way everyone wanted it to be done. Also I am Legend had an epic ending and I'm not just saying that. Also, the alternate ending was good too. The only ending to a movie I had a problem with was The Mist. That ending made me literally say extremely loudly during the end: WHAT THE **** WAS THAT!? I guess it just kinda.... hit me hard. I still liked it though.
I Am Legend had a great ending. It took some convincing and thought before i realized it was a well thought out ending. It stays true to all interpretations of the story. As for bad endings, Star Wars. i do like the series but the bad ending of episode VI really killed the magic. Screw ewoks. Least believable characters ever. The ending was midgets in fur sweaters managing to knock out armored stormtroopers with little pebbles, then dancing around until the credits. Besides complaining about ewoks(who should have gotten wrecked by the stormtroopers), the ending was just bland, it didnt feel like a good closure point. It's pretty much just like episode IV's ending + terribly costumed little people. Really, episode V's total awesomeness and great closure point added to the overshadowing and bland feeling of VI's ending. Oh and Hayden Christiansen being edited into the end didn't help. Feel free to argue against my statements but remember, i'm a Star Wars fan myself.
I still maintain my previous viewpoint. However, as for a movie with a "WTF?!" ending, mine would have to be The Wickerman. It played on HBO the other day, and I watched it straight through. That is one ****ed up ending. But still a good movie.
I quoted myself again, just for the guy who gave me bad rep for doing it the first time. ^.^ And @ LittleLordSissy, the only good part about Wickerman's ending was the fact that it was Nicholas Cage dying. He doesn't have the ability to express emotion. Just watch the National Treasure movies. *monotonous voice*: There's a treaaasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence *same voice, reaching hand into hole in rock*: Ow! Haaa. Tricked you. Haha.
So we STILL don't know what happens? Jesus Christ,whenever I watch the trailers for that I'm always going "WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON?"
Dude that was just a terrible movie,it couldn't possibly have a decent ending after that 1hr and a haf of crap XD
I just saw Mr. Brooks and the movie ends with a dream sequence. How do you get a job in the movie industry and not know to not do that?
Um, I digress. Nightmare on Elm Street, the original, ends with a dream sequence involving a convertible possessed by Freddy, and that movie ending was epic win.
the movie was actually in my opinion, but yes the ending was very stupid/confusing.. if you actually got it.. you would of learnt that they were just a village, hiding from the rest of the world.. teh scary monsters were ppl dressed up.. to keep the villages from seeing the real world...
I thought the ending to The Village was actually pretty clever. Worst ending (that I could think of at the moment) to a film is Planet of the Apes (2001). I didn't like the twist. I don't think there was a need for it (actually there wasn't a need for the film period). It was just plain stupid.
I heard The Happening's ending sucked butt from a straw. Sumthing bout plants killing people. epic fail.
I liked the ending to the LOTRs. Is ws cool, I mean peace is restored and crap. I mean it wasnt horrible.
I dunno where this came from but mr bean the movie has the worst ending ever. I remember something like he walks onto a beach and everyone starts clapping and cheering. That film was just all over bad.
The ending to star-wars, "Congarts, you saved the universe, have a gold medal and a teddy bear thing/creature."