Hey guys, I have been strolling through the forums recently, and I realized some of the signatures on the site are way too advanced for MS paint. So I decided to download GIMP, and check it out. Now I am confuddled. Someone wanna tell me how to make awesome signatures with GIMP? pm me
This would be in Graphics and Arts. But this will help a lot. And the person who made the thread is so damn sexy!! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/12288-gimp-master-tutorial-noobs.html
GIMP (Acronym for GNU (Acronym for GNU is Not Unix (A recursive acronym that will cause the English Language to crash, and force the system to restart)) Image Manipulation Program) is probably one of the most amazing and technical image editing software available. GIMP has a very steep learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be shocked at the extent of which you can use the program. There are plug-ins you can download that will increase it's versatility, and there's even a command line tool called Script-Fu that will allow you to make your own custom tools. I suggest reading the wiki for GIMP to help learn it.
photo shop is not for retarrds your a retard and gimp is amazing, took me a week to get used to it, and look a tme now!
Thanks for moving it DQ, I didn't know where to put this. And my friend is a GIMP master, but he won't let me put his stuff on the Internet for some reason......maybe 20 bucks will convince him.....
I originally used paint, then I realized how much it sucked. Then a friend told me about gimp and I was like "OMGWTFBBQ that rocks". Eventually I downloaded the Photoshop trial and I was like "OMGWTFBBQ Ps pwns" I used gimp for another good 2 months, then I found a torrent for PS CS3 and I was like "Sweet". Now I'm chillen with Photoshop and loving every minute of it.