Here is a story for the ages. Well, I was looking at maps with two of my friends and myself and my friend Bobcat were talking about Forgehub. My other friend didn't know what we were saying so he was like "Guys, what is forgejob?" Bobcat was like "no, no, no it's..." but I cut him off and was like "Yeah, forgejob is right. It's a place for forge maps. You can buy and sell community made content." My other friend was like "orly? That's cool, but who would pay for maps?" (he is a young little squeaker. He is my nephew.) I was like "Dude, everybody pays for maps at forgejob" Bobcat was like "Yeah, dude I buy maps from forgejob every day." My other friend was like "well how much do they cost and such?" I said "They vary. This one that we are playing on right now (spartan highway made by Draw the Line) cost around 75$. So, anyways. The kid kept asking questions and we kept lying to him. He seriously thinks that there is a website named forgejob and you can buy maps from it. What an idiot.
thats hilarious but still pretty mean it would have been worse if you were like ill give u a discount on spartan highway only 25 dollars!!
thats so funny! but it is still mean... But so funny! I think that what guitarmaster said would be just flat out mean... scamming little kids for money...
lol. How much would cost for Pallet Parade, that's serious forgejob. That story made me laugh. 10
Wow hilarious, my brother is just like that purely clueless when it comes to knowledge. I was working on a map of mine and my little brother sits down next to me and he is like a cannon man would go great there. lolzorz
As opposed to other things? And that's so awesome @OP. I can imagine the ads for forgejob now. "Earn BIG CASH REVENUE for your Halo content at!" Followed by testimonials from the top forgers, talking about how helped them turn Forging from an afternoon past-time into a full time career. They also say "At" every sentence. He actually believed $75 for a map? If I didn't know better about the laws and systems regarding that, I could believe like 99c a map. Kind of like the iTunes store, but with Forge maps.
Spartan Highway? I've never made a map named that....Spartan Arena....and Gridlocked....but no Spartan Highway.... Oh yeah....I'll be needing that $75...I'm not making this stuff for free here.... LOLZ
Sorry, I didn't know Spartan Highway was made by PonyD. That's what my brain does to me at 12:00 at night XD