
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Linubidix, Jul 9, 2008.


What is your favourite feature of this map

  1. The merging with the crane

  2. The merging in the back alley

  3. The unique layout

  4. The weapon set

  5. The fact that it was made by Linubidix

  6. All of the above

  1. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I have been there since Linou very first placed a double box on a foundry canvas to now. When Linou first showed me his map in the opening stages, I was a bit weiry. But the final design is great and the playability is fantastic and i will reccommend this map to everyone. I enjoyed 1 flag and ffa emilination the most on this map.

    I hope to see this map on the front page soon.
  2. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    hmmm, yes, im back, and im here to say that back ally merging sound like the title for a musical. i would pay money to see that musical, too, especially if there are chimney speeps in those cool hats. but the back ally merging is very nice, and the map is certainly superb. cheerio old chap! hup-hup!
  3. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    I dont believe I've ever seen Merging in the back alley. Firebombs spawn in the open box

    This was actully very cool and amazes me that no one else has ever though of merging in the back ally. Also the reason I think that it reminds people of kentucky tango and deviation is because of this screenshot
    Honestly this map reminds me of project U
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    lol, yeah.
    I was getting some final testing in last night. and you missed out, s'okay, you didnt miss out on heaps though, just assault, territories and infection.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    damn. my router settings are screwed, so i can only join certain parties. its weird.

    my routers also bad, so i get disconnected every other game or so. im having it replaced hopefully soon, so maybe all that will change and next time i will get to join in on the reindeer games. :D
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    yeah, its sucks for me sometimes. I have good speed but sometimes I can haz teh s00per lag.
  7. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Crazy map man!! Awsome geo-merging. That box in the back ally blue me away. it was amazing and must have taken forever. Nice work once again
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    wow, it hasnt even been out for 24 hours and it already has 46 comments, thanks guys.
    ...oops, mine makes it 47.
  9. Fleabus 7

    Fleabus 7 Ancient
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    Great map, very original and like Jayclash said one flag and elimination was the most fun to test... oh and that black cat magic gametype headless made lol
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Like thesilencebroken said earlier, I have a knack for making maps that cater very well to Elimination.
    Black Cat Magic was a blast to play, props to headlessbarbie.
  11. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ahhh... the map that gave me not one, but two three shot BR kills, when my opponent had full shields...

    elimination is definitely its best gametype, and your choice for the flag spawn in one flag was questionable, but it seemed to work ok.
  12. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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    How did u geomerge in the back hallway and crane?! I didn't see that in the FH Tutorials.
  13. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    My favorite feature of this map, all of the above.
  14. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
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    Play'd this on Flag Rally with Linubidix and We Owned the Competition as soon as Ivory Snak3 left lol. Back Ally is probably the best bit of consistent interlocking i've ever seen.
  15. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    The back alley mergin is really inpressive just because i have no idea how he got the box in there in the first place!
  16. an old granny51

    an old granny51 Ancient
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    Wow this map accually looks REALLY good. U gave us a lot of info and pictures on the map. That gave me a very good understanding. I also like the merging and the interlocking were to perfection. Great Job on this map. 5/5
  17. drak

    drak Ancient
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    like a 4/5 i really like the crane and the box merged in the alleyway, i just dont understand why so many floating bridges?
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Playability, ever heard it. They were added for playabilty purposes, to add mulit leveled, WTF moments. Although they cannot be used very successfully. They provide an okay vantage point, but to acquire a sniper and get yourself there, alive, is quite a task.
  19. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Ha, yay. Yeah, I finally got around to posting in this thread. Getting that double box back there was really really hard. Well, it wasn't the getting it back there, as much as adjusting it when it's back there. Remember when it slid up through the ceiling of the hallway, and didn't disappear? that was some weird ****, we even got out of the map and looked for it but it was nowhere to be seen. it was like some David Blaine scary stuff! I feel so proud! Black Cat Magic was a flashback to the past for me, because I had a similar gametype back in halo 2, when i would play 1 on 1 with my brother on the level turf. Do you have any idea how hard it is to snipe an invisible person? pretty damn hard.
    Anyways, onto the map. I really love this map, the only thing that doesn't play good on it was oddball. GRRRR! camping FTL. king of the hill was really fun, except for mosh pit, because everyone would just rush in the hill, and the flamethrower spawned right there, so it seemed like it took forever. Territories had to be my favorite objective game on this map, because the chopper and ghost were actually helpful. In slayer and Team slayer, they weren't very useful, because you were just a beacon saying "Hey, i really need a nice, warm, laser right about now. Ooh, or maybe a hot spike stuck right to my face. That would feel gewd." But in TS, my favorite part was that no part of the map was very campable. There are multiple ways to get in the center structure, the power weapons are evenly spread out, and no BR's means MLG peeps are screwed. What I'm saying is, the map is VERY balanced. All of the battles were spread across the whole level. The great weapon choice provides a different style of gameplay that makes the power weapons good, but not too good. for instance, the laser is good for lasering flag carriers that are making a mad dash back to the base, but it is not too good for protecting an area, because there are many ways to get to each place. the snipers are good in ffa, for finishing off someone who just was in a close battle with another person.
    But my favorite part of all was how you just got lazy and didn't straighten a few walls out, and then made up a theme as an excuse and everyone bought into it. Nah, jk, it fits the map well.
    For anyone who is thinking about downloading this, do it. now. Or my Black Cat Magic will do some voodoo on yo ass!
    J A Y and Linubidix like this.
  20. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    um... wow.
    What a post.

    Thanks for that incredibly long and thought out post. You earned some + rep for that post.
    At first a few merges were crooked. When I showed a mate, he said it gave him an feeling that a bomb had gone off. I loved that idea, so I ran with it. When I was merging, I'd deliberatelly leave the support a little off centred to get the feel I wanted. After the Double Box was finally just in the alley, it took about 8 trys to get it in the right position.
    I know what I'm doing with weapon placement but I think that subconciously I know it even more and what works perfectly. The Grenade placement was a very early decision and it worked very well. So was the weapon placement. But the human sniper was one of the very last things to be added. In fact it was added a couple days before it was posted. It works very well though.

    Thanks headlessbarbie, that was the best comment so far.

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