today I overloaded snowbound to make it so that the (dreaded) shield doors were not there, they were gone, so i saved and quit; but when I started it back up again they are there? Is there a way that I can save the map so that the shield doors are gone FOREVER!?! or is this something I'll have to live with?
This is something you have to live with. Unless you overload the map during the game? I have never tested this, so I don't know if it will work. Just one of my theories.
It's definitely possible, bro. I've seen it done before. Although, there's no real benefit in my opinion, glitching the Shield Doors out is possible. Wait til Kaya checks back in, he should know how or who to talk to.
I answered this question recently, let me see if I can find my post. Here is what one member said, haven't tested it myself though.
There is no way to auto overload he map. you have to do it everygame to get rid of the seild doors. unless you mod the game, but i wouldnt suggest that.
I've only measured the distance along the the pipes in the floor, which I guess is the length. In that case it's 11 boxes long, if all of them are oriented with the red barcode things touching. To find the exact center of Foundry use 2 double boxes and 2 single boxes. The second single box is in the center lengthwise, and you can use the grating on the floor to center it in the other direction. It's not entirely true that you can't be inverted on the X-Y plane in Halo (you can't be upside down) because it is possible in a vehicle. Anyone who's played Rocket Race can attest to this. I think a more likely answer to this question is that there is no programming to allow a single Spartan (or Elite) to be upside down. This means that the game must treat a player on a vehicle as a group, that is, the player is now attached to the vehicle and can therefore be flipped in all kinds of directions. But as soon as the player falls off the vehicle (and you can see this in gameplay) they are immediately reoriented to be right-side up. So theoretically if vehicles could go through teleporters the vehicles would come out of an upside down teleporter upside down.
This has probably been asked before, but I'm trying to sink an open box into the floor in the middle of Foundry (with "Doors," mind you), but no matter what I do, it sinks under the floor before I can even use the save and quit method--even if I hold onto it (it jitters a lot, too). It's in the middle, where those annoying pipes divide the floor and make merging objects there a pain in the neck as it stands. Anyone have any tips (beyond try, try again), or should I just figure out a work-around?
This is my first time using Forge so if I seem like a noob/idiot/retard don't hate me. Anyways so I'm making a map on foundry and i place some teleporters both receivers and senders. (Same number of receiver and senders) So when I put a sender I expect it to teleport me to a designated receiver. But when I a use a specific sender which I want it to teleport me to another specific receiver it teleports me to a random one. If you don't get it I'm sorry because I know it sounds confusing but the just of it is: How do you make a Sender teleport you to a SPECIFIC Receiver. (Not send you to random receivers around the map) Please help. It would be appreciated.
Sounds like you've got all of your teleporters on the same channel. While some would utilize this function to spice up gameplay a little, if you're not trying to make it that way, it'll annoy the hell out of you. Here's how to fix it: Bring your cursor to highlight over a given teleporter and hit the X button to bring up its properties. The first option there is called "Channel." By default, all teleporters spawn at channel 0. Change this option to a different number--let's say 1. The teleporter will turn off, but that's only because it doesn't have anything to link to. Now go to the teleporter you want to link to the one you just adjusted. Highlight it the same way you did the other one (you don't have to be holding it to have it highlighted), and hit X to bring up the properties screen. Put it to the same channel as the previous channel, and you'll be good to go with those two. Adjust likewise (using different channels) for all the other teleporter pairs, and you're set. Channels for teleporters work kind of like walkie-talkies. If you have 3 walkies on channel 4, when you speak into one, both of the others will put out the sound of your voice. Unfortunately for Halo, when you go through a teleporter that has 2 designated receivers, it can't send you to both at the same time (as it would like) and so it is forced to randomly choose between one and the other. If you've got 10 teleporters on the same channel, it just creates pandemonium. Oh, and as a final note, sender nodes will default send to receiver nodes, while two-way nodes will default send between one another (haven't tested this extensively yet, but I'm working on a teleporter-heavy sniper training map, and it seems to be my experience). If a sender doesn't have a receiver, it will send to a two-way, and if a two-way doesn't have another two-way, it'll send to a receiver. Again, this isn't thoroughly tested yet, but it appears to be the case upon initial assessment.
How Do You Make Some Items White? This is a occurence that happens when you place items in a certain area that contains a shader error. It happens because Bungie to Make The Map Bright Everywhere had to make light come from certain areas in the map spread through evenly and when you place an item in this area it goes pure white from the Shaders.
The budget and item cap are completely separate. So regardless of whether you have budget glitched the map or not, you will still have the total item limit AND the individual item limits, like 16 crates. As of this writing there is no way around the item cap
How Do You Hold No Weapons at all IN TDFs latest youtube video it appears as if hes not holding a that just a glitch on Cold Storage or is it a way to get it on all maps... if this is really obvious Im srry...i know that if you kill an energy sword it appears as if you do not have a weapon but you still got that little thing in your hand.......just wondering....thanks....
It looks like he may have done the model duplicate glitch which can also be done on foundry. While not entirely familiar with it myself, it can be achieved through messing with the damage modifiers in the settings and turrets. Someone else care to elaborate on how it's done?
Is it possible to overload and map and have nothing on the map? Or have all of the items on the outside where you cant see them. Because im trying to make a variant on epitaph and I need to get rid of all of the shield doors. I have downloaded a few overloaded epitaphs but they have all of the items right there in the middle of the map and when you try and move them it goes back to being a normal map.