I have discussed a project with LIGHTSOUT225, and it has been approved. My goal, help evey new forger i possibly can. My rules: These are free friendly classes, please i want to keep these friendly. I want to help forgers, not deal with a bunch of annoying little kids (I Will teach kids) I will cover everything that is in the forging 101 section, only this is firsthand. I will demonstrate anything that is requested of the forgers (and the stuff I plan to cover). These lessons are 100% free and I reserve the right to ban people from my classes as Furious D18 says ".....give you negative rep, and call you a poopie-head (don't test me on the last part)". You may apply for my classes which will are scheduled on below. Just post and tell me what you would like to learn and soon you will have an assigned day and time (please comply, im doing this for free and on my own time) Thank you and I hope to see you in my Forge classes! Please comment after each class, and tell me how im doing, thanks. If you are interested in joining my staff, send me a pm or post schedule: Tuesday the 8 (CST = MST+1 PST+2 EST-1 OR CST = GMT -6) At 9:00-10:00 pm, The lesson is Switches, Geo-merging, interlocking, immovable objects and floating objects (thats my goal, if we have to extend time I will) I will also cover anything eles I did not mention that is requested, ANYTHING! I hope to see you in my classes
wow first poster. anyway, i don't need help learning how to forge, i know how. but i was wondering if you needed someone else to run a seperate class maybe in case theres to many people. my gt stin10
actually I could use your help in my class, send me a friend request and a message saying "Re. Forge classes" or ill forget and deny it we'll work somthing out
This sounds like a great idea, hopefully Itll cut back on all the bad maps people post. Once I have some permanent Internet Id be willing to help out, otherwise it would just be Tuesday and Friday nights Id be available
oh shweet i need to learn more on interlocking because my maps really need it.....and is there a class to show how to start out a map i have trouble starting on an idea....i can never finish one
Dragon i imagine the "join today.there free" was just to grab peoples attention,much like this marketting ploy from the dark side Incidently are you doing this again anytime soon? I really need someone to show me how to geo-mergo properly (the non-door method) Frankly this bloody handicap has ruined every decent map idea ive had to date :S Although 4am ireland time's a bit early for my tastes...summer holidays...dont get up till 12 at least XD