INSTALLATION x9 By X1 caboose 1X Gametypes: all mlg gametypes + reg gametypes Players: 2-10 Best game types: mlg ffa mlg CTF Testers: Me , xx Trent, jaybeenz,molitau,abh xoverkillx, jaybeenz (1),maddawg34, elder pixie 1995 map download: HERE Map description: This unsc base was used to protect the people from salvation city and train them how to use batte rifles and close quarter combat weapons this map is based on mlg also posting on bungie will be awsome! Pics: Best overveiw i could get gametype being played MLG ffa Reveiws:
Woah. This looks intense. There is a ton of places to hide and the interlocking is nice. 5/5 will download.
looks nice ICTYSALOTOT. Read my signature if you want to know what that means. I like the bridges on top. Goodjob merging.
nice job on the interlocking, but i would recommend cleaning it up a bit. Looks kind of sloppy to me. 3.8/5
the screenshots make it look sloppy if you actually play it it doesnt looks sloppy at all oh if it looks sloppy due to the geo merged wall corners there supposed to look like that
I think it looks like a great MLG map. Nice interlocking and merging on this one. For some reason, the little spot up top with the Forklift is my favorite spot.
yah i agree this does look intense the interlocking looks nice, great for big teams didnt check out the weapon spawns yet so i will have to give my rating later
ok no prob hope you enjoy the map! also btw guys if you can put a star rating where it says rating on the gray bar on this that would be awsome to
nice map, looks like an awesome competitive map. i like how the 3rd floor is in the center, not the sides. 5/5
another great map caboose, i love the middle, it looks very fun for mlg, great work and nice interlocking.