
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Weremidget, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. kingsharpshooter

    Senior Member

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    hay like your map hard to follow your pics but you have a lot of good ideas
  2. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    Thanxz for the response.... and ya you would need alot of luck to get out with out being shot at with a br or sumthin lol... but ya... umm i just wonderin can u make me a signature like that ? im sendin you a pm as well peace bud
  3. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    You should really bold out the point made about the teleporters.

    That way you don't get so many people saying: "z0mg teleporters! ew!"
  4. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I love the way you used the fence walls! I'll have to check this out it seems very neat and well made. Couldn't people stand on the teleporters if there in the lead so nobody gets in? I don't know how balenced that would be. Still it looks like a good map.
  5. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Hahah, I think that no matter how many times I say it, people are still gonna worry about the teleporters.

    MADkill, the teleporters only spawn in asymmetrical gametypes, so they'll never be in a Slayer game, only asymmetric Objective games like One Flag and Assault.
  6. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    The map looks like it will be fun to learn because i still don't exactly get the layout but looks fun and im interested in the assymetrical thingy it makes maps good for both types of games great, good job on this.

    If you didn't know when someone stands on a teleporter the person trying to get thorugh can simply jump through and get in
    Weremidget likes this.
  7. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Yeah, that's true. (People always tend to see 1 little thing that they don't like and then other people stick to it) But I'm sure they'll understand that it isn't there in symmetrical games once they play a slayer game. I like it being there in 1 Bomb because it proves to be really useful.

    EDIT: If you want, I can take some action shots on this map. Just like I did your map Atrium.
    Weremidget likes this.
  8. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    That would be great thanks.

    Apart from yesterday's massive lagfest I haven't played a game on it in a long time :\
  9. IncredibleHulk

    IncredibleHulk Ancient
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    it looks pretty well made nice pics and i also agree what captain says overall id give it a 3.5/5
  10. ReactantMercury

    ReactantMercury Ancient
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    This map looks incredible,
    It is well detailed,
    The design is awesome
    The interlocking is nothing short of amazing!
    Truly Great Job!!!

    5.5 out of 5
    (rarely ever give 5.5's!)
  11. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Alright cool. Next time my friends and I are on (which might be tomorrow) we'll do some games on it.
  12. BlitzkriegRecon

    BlitzkriegRecon Ancient
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    I really like this map, the geo-merging and regular merging is great, always makes a map far better. It looks like a very well thought out layout. I think with a few people this could be fun for a long time. i think the pctures could be better but all together a 4/5
  13. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Thanks for all the fantastic comments.

    The map has been found to be escapable in a number of places, but none of these are particularly simple methods, and it would be difficult to get away with moving fusion coils around the map in a proper game.
  14. TC Brightside

    TC Brightside Ancient
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    Wow AMAZING! Qued
  15. TheMarsVolta

    TheMarsVolta Ancient
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    I never actually realised that you interlocked those A and B signs with the wall fence in the hallway. The height difference has bothered me in the past when making some of my own maps, but I never thought of doing that.

    I might just have to steal this from you :p
  16. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    I'd never really considered those very much, but people seem to like them which is cool. Everything's a stolen idea, like the floating Firebomb on my new map which most people won't even consider.

    I think the biggest size issue in Forge is Fence Boxes which have only one dimension, their height, the same as normal Double Boxes. Bridges are annoying too, being about 4/5 the width of a Box.

    Thanks for the comment.
  17. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Sorry it took so long to get these up. But I've finally got them.

    ~Here's 13 action shots from our five player FFA.

    Being higher seems to be the advantage...

    Battle in the same place as pic. 1...


    Watch out for them flying wire spools.

    The bridge likes to go boom.

    Fear the pink mist...

    He had no idea...

    Like I said... boom...

    Carbine doesn't really work close up. (I died)

    Fighting over the needler...

    Plasma Punch Out.

    Getting double teamed is never good.

    In the end, it was a pretty "equal" game.
  18. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    LynnJynh9315 reviews Cerebrum.

    Okay, I've finally played a game on the map so I can now respond intelligently.

    First off, great map. This is the first Asymmetrical map you've published that I know of, and it works way better than Uprising.

    The game I ended up playing was a 1v1 slayer match. I was really surprised how smooth the whole thing played out. The bridge is expertly crafted to perfection and the archway beneath it is great for separate those two areas of the map. Much of the map is open, but has been cleverly cut broken up so that ambushes are pretty difficult to pull off.

    I must admit, I'm a little iffy on the teleporter hallway. I would definitely have to say its the weakest part of the whole package- especially the box you tried to close the windows off with that only half cover the opening, I can see alot of people being really judgemental of that even though it doesn't hinder the gameplay.

    In short, its a great map. The place is seperated into four distinct areas that break up the action very well, and games playout very well. Its not quite as iconic looking as Monlithe, Habitat Beta or Atrium (that one's really grown on me), but it plays great neverthless. Excellent job Weremidget on another great map. Now I'm going to have to salivate wondering what your next map will be.

    8/10, only because I like Monolithe, Habitat Beta, and Atrium better- but still great. Keep up the good work!!
  19. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i see, it looks like a brain, with the stem. but wait, does this mean that the brain only has a stem in certain games?, oh thats not goood! good map however, i like the interlocking and the fence walls
  20. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Vorpal Saint: Thanks loads for the screens. They're in the first post now with proper credit given to you for them. I had to take out 5, to stay under the 20 image-limit but i's'all good.

    LynnJyhn: Thanks for a stellar review. On reflection I probably should have taken the effort to geomerge across the opening in the teleporter room, but I was trying frantically to cover it up after discovering Window Panels could be jumped through :\

    Metallic Snake: Aah sure... I didn't just pick the name Cerebrum because I thought it was a cool word...


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