
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by dented_drum, Jul 9, 2008.


Keep the FireBombs???

  1. Yes

    24 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I just realized we may have been on a different page, so I posted the picture of what I was talking about, if it still causes problems in gameplay, then don't change it, but if it doesn't I would reccomend it.
  2. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    Wow looks like this took a ton of work. Every single area you walk on has been placed there (as far as I can tell). Great map!
  3. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    I must say, interlocking that box would do absolutely nothing to the map. Nothing.
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    awesome. I remember seeing this a couple weeks ago. was great then, awesome now.
    You rigorous search through the forums to find the man cannon key impressess me, I cannot search through so many pages not to find what I'm looking for, it'd bum me out.
    A few structural changes since I saw last, like the open box in the middle, it needed that, otherwise it would've been too open. I love how some parts have been made beautifully and are aimed to aide gameplay, that is always a major plus. I like the Pit style rocket spawn, its great to see a style of gameplay incorporated into a good looking map.
    It impressed me then, it impressess me now.

    Well that's it from me.
  5. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    dented, your forging skills are unparralled, as are your posts (i love long thought out posts) this is your best map yet, keep forging. forever. and ever. and ever. 5/5
    dented_drum likes this.
  6. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Amazing. That is all I can say. Not only does this map LOOK amazing, with fabulous interlocking and merging, it is aesthetically amazing too! I mean c'mon. The Danger Tunnel is already cool looking, with a window panel walkway, but OF COURSE you had to add a sweet likkle key and make it even more awesome(er?). Everything about this map is great. Fantastic Job. I dl'd this one guys.
  7. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    I like that elevator key idea. and the danger tunnel COOL!
  8. GridNaux

    GridNaux Ancient
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    Thanks to all of you for the support, comments, praise, ratings and sweet, sweet moon pies. If you have any more questions or comments for Team Nosey-Naux, ill be in my office. Thank you.

    *walks out and shuts door*

    *peeks back inside to see reactions of the press*
  9. an old granny51

    an old granny51 Ancient
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    WOW. THIS MAP LOOKS A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Great Interlocking. Great Weapon Placement. Great Map for any game type. Great Map everything.
    Everybody must download map. 5/5
  10. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    Well why do you think bungie never put them on any map and if you read forging 101 guide theres a grenade placement it suggest but doesn't say you have to but frags and plasmas or frags and spikers but not frags spiker and plasma for good reason if you change this many people would be happy but other wise it is still an amazing map

    The good stuff:
    The man cannon regen thing never seen it used in a map but you can't take credit for that or force anyone else to give you credit credit should be givin to the guy who made the switch up even though he didn't use it in a map.
    you guys have made an epic map so many things about it could not be any better the layout is good and other than the firebombs i love every weapon placement either way i love team doubles on this map it would be cool to get some user created forge in team slayer and doubles for matchmaking good job guys
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    this is definately pretty sweet.

    im going to download this and throw it into rotation. i hope it plays as good as it looks. good job man!
  12. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    this looks fantastic, very nice. it kinda reminds me of a city. when you use a staircase, like the ones in pic 5(off to the left) , i think it kinda shows dicipline, like you use something only for a smaller effect. i woould never be able to use so little amount of a staircase. or maybe im being stupid and you started the floor a little high, and didnt feel like replacing it.Basically i thnk it looks very cool. none the less this map looks great, and ill dl.
    #32 Metallic Snake, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2008
  13. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    I have never seen a firebomb cause lag.
    Perhaps you don't understand the meaning of "I have never seen". Learn to think maybe? Yes?

    Playing by the rules is boring.
    #33 Sharpestt, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2008
  14. BlitzkriegRecon

    BlitzkriegRecon Ancient
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    haha the name of ur map is the name of the neighborhood i use to live in hahah.u make it look like i lived in detroit!
  15. GridNaux

    GridNaux Ancient
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    correction: "good job men"
  16. drak

    drak Ancient
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    like the map, dont like how you guys claimed something not even SEARCh of youtube could have brought you the halo 3 elevator where this was learned.....dont brag about that being yours, and please edit your post and take that out...other than that, nice job geomerging the cannon into the wall, and please elaborate on that...nice map 3.8/5
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    frst a funneh


    Thanks a lot, bro! The layout sort of built itself. We knew that we wanted a raised platform to go around a slightly lower middle floor, but the entire layout was simply improvisation. Once we figured out the shape, we worked in the details.

    Hmm, I've yet to see this "detailed, professional review" hahaha. Either way, I know people forget. Thanks for commenting, bro! Glad you liked it, and I hope you continue to enjoy it as much as we have!

    Alrighty, as per your statement here, I actually did it. I went into a game, and merged the objects ever so slightly. It actually ended up looking bad. I didn't like it, honestly. I could definitely see where you were coming from with your post, but it didn't turn out as good as either of us thought it would. Thanks anyways, bro!

    Yep. We never like you to ever set foot on Foundry's floor, and we prefer that you never even realize you're in Foundry. The purpose of Forge to us to make your own map, and using Foundry's floor just takes away from that, in our opinion. Thanks!

    Thanks for noticing that one, bro! I was long-awaiting my comment from Linubidix. As always, you've something smart and constructive to say. Thanks!

    Thanks a lot, bro! We'll certainly keep Forging for as long as we can. We love doing it, and nothing makes it more worth it than for you guys to enjoy our maps!

    Haha, thanks for being the first one to comment the Window Panel Walkway. No one else noted that, and I was seriously proud of it haha. That's where the entire map started, just with that tunnel. Thanks a lot, bro!

    Thanks! Glad you liked it, bro!

    I was thinking the SAME THING, lulz. Thanks, bro! Glad you liked it!

    Thanks for constructively complaining. I much prefer that to random insults. However, I must disagree. I'm not sure why Bungie hasn't used the FireBombs in any maps, but they are in the game, so it's not something illegal to use. As per your comments of Forging 101's thoughts, this map does not contradict that either. In Kaya's Master Index, you'll find a link to a thread called, "What Would Bungie Do?"

    The Thread simply tells the Forger not to use more than one type of grenade in addition to Frags. It simply tampers with gameplay a bit much. We used Frags and FireBomb Grenades. That is, in no way, a violation of any Competitive Map code or Bungie Code.

    I'll explain my comments on the Man-Cannon switch later, because I know I get several complaints about that one -_-

    Glad to hear it, bro! I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for your comment!

    Actually, you had it right the first time. The height of the main level was established after the Danger Tunnel. Since it was the first part of the map, we built the main floor to be at the height of that, so that they would match up. The outside level is completely random, and the parts where you see Stairs leading up to is a simple, one-Box high floor. Thanks for your comment!

    Haha, if I remember, that's going in the OP. It certainly deserves it. I love random facts like that. Thanks a lot for tellin' us, and I hope you love the map, bro!

    I will now explain, for the only time, my reasoning for claiming us as the first to use the Regenerator "key" glitch.

    Ok, so you don't like how I claimed it to be our own? Well, you're wrong. I'd like you to read the text carefully. I said that I claimed us as the first to use it in a map. That's also why I noted that I searched through 20 pages of ForgeHub Forums (you know, where they make maps?).

    You can also note that I addressed it in my thanks to Kayaman132, as he is the person who showed us the glitch itself.

    I will not be changing the original post, because I have not claimed anything that is not true. Anymore comments on this will be completely disregarded. I don't want to hear it. I realize that we didn't think of it, and I've not said anything in contradiction to that. Thank you.
    #37 dented_drum, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2008
  18. drak

    drak Ancient
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    about my comment, dont get me wrong, i love the map its great.....i especially liked the sniper and then dropping down underneath it....thats awesome! the thing i didnt like about it was that you guys are claiming this for yourselves, even kayaman couldnt have been the first one....i learned by myself, and later found out about that on youtube.....i even incorporated it into one of my maps, even though not on forgehub....please do not disregard this, as i do like your map, but i dont like the claiming

    ty for reading this, and awesome layout!
  19. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Yeah, after looking through your map, I did realize that the box would look bad being interlocked, seeing as it is an open box... I was at work so I only saw the pictures, but after playing, I realized that yeah, interlocking would be bad. But thank you for testing it out for me!
  20. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    frst a funneh


    There's actually not a Sniper on the map....anywhere....

    I've not said that we invented it; nor have I claimed it for us. I simply said that we are the first to have used it on a map according to my search through the ForgeHub Forums. That remains to be fact.

    I am not responsible for your not having posted it on ForgeHub. We found out that it had not been used, and we jumped at the chance. For that reason, I said what I said.

    I'm glad you like the map, but my claim remains true. Grid even requested that I change it before anyone complained, but I explained to him as well. I can't be held responsible for the illiteracy of the reader.

    Certainly, thank you for commenting.

    Sure thing, bro. Pictures can deceive like that. Also, I'm always happy to go test out a suggestion, like the FireBombs; I've gotten several complaints regarding those that I've (for the most part) tossed to the side. I'm completely satisfied with the FireBombs because I've played the map, and I know how they play. However, I'm likely to switch them out for Spike Grenades the next time we get a chance to play it, just to test it out.

    You never know how helpful a suggestion is until you apply it. Somethings can just be ridiculous, but for the most part, I get some great suggestions here on ForgeHub. Thanks for the comment and support, bro!
    GridNaux likes this.

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