This is a thread that i made that is totally dedicated to my WoW Character... mainly his L337 Epix! Lol yeah I've been playing WoW Alot... and I decided to be like str8 PvP Spec. So I'm going to update this tread with stuff like when I get new armor or like cool stuff like that. So heres a Pic of My Char. so yeah this is pretty much a thread about me and my n00bish travels as a 70 Orc Shaman. Well, Here is a link to my armory if you wanna check that out >.< but before I get into gears and such I want to give you a little background on my character. My name is Ohsaim... yes i said Ohsaim... Ohsaim stands for Orc Horde Shaman Aim... a name I made at about 4 in the morning... lol. I'm a resto shaman... yes resto, as in Restoration... meaning im a healer. My spec is 0/9/52. OK, now that you know most of that I'll get to the part of gear. I currently have 3 EPIX: that i use for PvP. Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders Boots of Foretelling Nethershard Girdle Keep in mind i just use these items for PvP I have other epix i just don't use them. Well yeah so ill update this with furthur gear/other important things going on >.< Thanks for reading
Lol nice name You might want to get full epix first, or atleast full blues to get your healing about 1500. After that, find people who you play every well with and get your team rating about 1700 (if you can) and get s3... well atleast s2 and parts of s3...
I'm also a 70 shaman but specced into ENH/Resto (41, 20), currently raiding Kara and Starting BT soon. Full Vengeful gladiators, but it's not that good for PVE. I got a 58 troll frost mage and a 19 undead rogue aswell =]
Kthanks. I was wondering because I have wow, but its the private server freebie that rocks and I wanted a mage because they are cool. Now should I do frost or fire? Lol this is the only WoW thread. One of you guys should start the offical one.
I started one, but no one cares. Also, frost for PvE and Fire/Arcane for PvP, full fire is just crapp.
I have no Idea what epix are, or what 0/9/52 means, so basically I don't even understand how good you are.
I'm really not that good, after previous BT raiding, i decided to delete all of my gear, /gquit, and go straight to PvP, and its coming along slow... because i havent really played in like a month
your crazy you would delete all your gear just to go PvP. wow. i played REtail at one time, i had a 70 nelf hunter. but my parents refused to keep paying and i dont got any money so i have moved to private servers
Wow bk lol. And @ The Human Highlight Real. The 0/1/45 is the talent tree your chartacter follows. A certain specilization you may say. I would say I'm good considering I have 4 pieces of Tier 6 (best armor in the game for your class) and full Season 3 arena PvP gear =]