I will make as many new maps as I can, but no aestetics, im not realy good at those. But I prefer completely original ideas, like say a train that actually works. (Lol thatll nvr happen) Or an elevator that only works with switches. (Can be done.) I guess if you have aesthetic maps, I can try, but I dont have legendary map pack, though I do have heroic. Anyone who replies gets recon armor if bungie lets you!
i want a mini-game style "battleship" board game. I could never figure out a way to do this but it would be awsome just some ideas i was going to say on avalanche but you dont have it
Can be done, I have it mostly planned, out just need to make it Been made, look in aesthetics at Dthen's 2-way elevator (or go to h3artificer.com) and lol...
I have an idea, but for a real map. All maps in halo have been either Human, Covenant, or Forerunner. I want to see a flood themed map. I'm not talking part flood, like Iso, but an entire flood set-up
novak i swear i wont steal your idea i mean it was kinda mine but im giving it to u could you just pm me the way u think your going to do it?