
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rhys J Mitchell, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    Created by RJM619

    Supported Gametypes:
    Especially designed for new gametype Conflict V1.1.

    Also supports Conquest, Land Grab, Oddball, & Team Slayer. Also, because it's a Triangle & all, the map is suitable for 3Ball.

    Conflict is a variation of Conquest, but instead of simple back-and-forth action, the game emphaises multiple access points to each territory. Conflict maps have a 'Central Hub' with a greater number of entrances (other Territories have only 2) but also a power weapon. Controlling this central hub will be difficult, but its occupation gives a great advantage for taking over the rest of the map.

    The gametype is vaugely MLG-esque; BR starts, no Radar, but with no grenade starts (to prevent spamming), increased health & decreased speed. Like Conquest, there are 3 rounds of 3 minutes.

    Oh, and the official colours of Conflict are Red & Yellow. =]

    Map Description

    The map is based on the shape of a Traingle. It is perfectly symmetrical and totally interlocked:​


    The map has a roof; it is inescapable! The roof was taken off for the pictures.

    There are 6 territories to capture. The most difficult is the central hub, as it has 3 access points whereas the others have 2. However, it is critical to controlling the rest of the map.​


    There are benefits to holding the central territory: a Custom Powerup spawns above you (it has MLG rules: with 2 overshields for 10s) at 150s, to give the controlling team a chance for a final push in the last 30s of the game. ​

    It also gives access to the one-way teleported which takes you to the 'peak' of the map:​



    The teleporter is slightly gaurded to make it more difficult for people to just into it; the advantage is to the team that controls the central territory. This scenery was made completely off fence walls on purpose, so you could see who was at either end off the teleporter.​

    This is the first Conflict map I've made with Custom Powerups and a teleporter, so let me know how it works out.​

    Teams spawn at either end with BRs:​


    There is a Needler above each team leader's spawn. This never respawns, so use it wisely. ​


    There are also 2 frag grenades ahead of you (w/ 90s respawn times) - you can either use them straight away to push the other team back, or save them for combat in the more narrow parts of the map, such as the long outer-alley.​

    The layout of the map gives a competitive mix of short-, mid- & long-range combat.​




    To prevent spamming, players start with no grenades. In total, there are only 7 grenades total on the map; 5 frags & 2 stickies. The frags have a 90s respawn time; the stickies have a 45s respawn time.

    Because this map is enclosed, there are few weapons on the map, but as players start with BRs, there is not much need for them. All weapons have 1min respawns with only 1 spare clip.

    Exceptions to this are the 2 Needlers (intended for the leaders for each team); these have no spare clips & don't respawn. The Custom Powerup spawns after 150s (with 30s left of the round) above the central hub, as an extra incentive to control this area, which is more exposed than the others.

    The picture also shows the team spawns (red & yellow), territory areas (in green), and the teleporters in pink.


    This is Map 3 of the Conflict series, (designed as an alternative to Conquest) and is my favourite so far.

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy, and as always, feedback is muchos appreciated.

    Download Tri-Strangle
    Download Conflict V1.1.

    If you liked this map, you should definitely check out my other Conflict Maps in the Conflict Map Index.

    Also, as a special treat, I've created a Team SWAT version of Conflict. It is Conflict with SWAT rules, but with no grenade starts or weapons pick-ups, and territories lock after a 30s capture. Let me know what you think:

    Download Conflict SWAT
    #1 Rhys J Mitchell, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
    jake the snake likes this.
  2. phillipinoJ

    phillipinoJ Ancient
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    Nice map very cleanly interlocked. When I played it with my friends, they were amazed!. Nice job. (P.S. I didn't notice your map was closed off)
    #2 phillipinoJ, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  3. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    It looks like a pretty fun map but my main consern is how easy is it to get out? I will still DL though. Mabey in a v2 you could fix that I'm sure that will get the map more attention. In a v2 it would also be cool to make a roof to give the map its own feel. Don't know how many objects it would take though...
    #3 GD27 BlueDevil, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  4. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    The map has a roof; it is inescapable!
  5. phillipinoJ

    phillipinoJ Ancient
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    The first picture was decieving but it just showing what it looked like without the roof. The other pics show the map with the roofs placed on.
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Is that sign B crooked in the 3rd picture for a reason? Other than that it looks good. I think I commented on your last triangle conquer map. I could be wrong but I think you're the same creator. Nice interlocking and straightness, but 4.5/5 because it's been done before.
  7. V

    V Ancient
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    This is why you're supposed to read the description posted with the map as well as look at the pics!!
    Great job on this map!! I've been a huge fan of your conflict maps (I have them all).I enjoy territories more than any other gametype ('cept for swat and racetracks) because its the only real tactical gametype in halo.
  8. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    nice map. i like how the map is a triangle. if it wasnt it wouldnt be that great there wouldnt be much to it but nice job. 3/5
  9. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    looks really good
    MATH 101: If its not a equilateral triangle it cant be symmetrical
  10. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    another amazing conflict map. they never cease to amaze me. have you considered making a two-story one? that would be awesome. keep making these, they are amazing. i love how you use territories. it is a very underused gametype
  11. Peanutbuttajely

    Peanutbuttajely Ancient
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    Great job I love this map, and play it all the time with my friends. Nice clean interlocking. 5/5
    Do the team colors need to be red and yellow?
  12. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Very catchy name. I like it. Also, the map layout reminds me of The Legend of Zelda which automatically made me want to download it. It'll be good, I can tell, and if not, then oh well. Still a pretty map. ~After reading your OP I must say I'm unpleased with the weapon layout, I'm sure it might be good... but I might end up going into forge and changing it up, if that's alright with you.
    #12 Nobody Worthy, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  13. V

    V Ancient
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    Yea it can. An isosceles triangle is a symmetrical shape my friend. Also some right triangles are symmetrical as well.
    #13 V, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  14. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Very sweet but really escapable you should put up higher walls so that its unescable. I love the scenery though its like hallways =]
  15. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Cool looking map! Not often do I see a map based on a geometric shape other than the triangle. The lack of power weapons should create some tactical gameplay, as well. 4/5, just a tiny bit sloppy.
  16. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Haha, I remembered who you were after I saw your signature. I also remember really liking your previous map pack. This is no different.

    I absolutely love how you incorporate geometry into your maps. Great job on incorporating one of the ForgeHub gametypes, and generally just making a great looking map. 'Grats to you, my friend.
  17. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    You must not've read his OP. (Something you should always do)
  18. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    looks like a great map, nut it seems kinda easy to escape. Just kidding lol but seriously it looks like a lot of fun, and worth a dl
  19. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    ugh... with all this talk of triangles and symetry you're making me nervious about the Geometry homework i should be doing now. I'll just do it later. Looks nice GJ--good job.
  20. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    nice map, a cool and original layout, thankfully it has a roof and looks nicely done, but some places look abit slanted, besides that looks really good well done

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