
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by dented_drum, Jul 9, 2008.


Keep the FireBombs???

  1. Yes

    24 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    ^^^ LINKSORZ ^^^

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_


    Bored? Just don't feel like reading all this? Follow one of the links below to go to any part of the post instantaneously!

    [jumpto=pic2]RECOMMENDED PLAYERS[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=pic3]WEAPON SELECTION[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=pic4]EQUIPMENT SELECTION[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=pic5]GEOMETRY PICTURES[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=pic6]MAP SPECIALTY[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=pic7]ACTION SHOTS[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=pic8]COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=pic9]SPECIAL THANKS[/jumpto]

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    [aname=pic0]Now, onto teh mapsorz:::[/aname]


    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_


    Welcome to the next installment of Team NoseyNaux bliss. After our last map, Vatican, we discovered that Team Doubles maps were our specialty, and that we'd be best off to stick to what we were good at. Regency is just that. It is purposed for 2v2, competitive gameplay.

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    * Team Slayer
    * Team OddBall
    * Team King of the Hill
    * Territories - All Forms
    * Capture the Flag - All Forms
    * Free for All - King of the Hill
    Free for All - OddBall

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    4 - 6 Players for Team Gametypes
    2 - 4 Players for Free for All Gametypes

    [aname=pic3]Weapon Selection:::[/aname]
    (6) BR55HB SR Battle Rifle - Battle Rifle
    2 Spare Clips - 30 Second Respawn
    (2) M7/Caseless Submachine Gun - SMG
    2 Spare Clips - 30 Second Respawn
    (2) Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol - Plasma Pistol
    45 Second Respawn
    (2) Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle - Plasma Rifle
    30 Second Respawn
    (1) M41 SSR MAV/AW Rocket Launcher - Rocket Launcher
    0 Spare Clips - 150 Second Respawn
    (1) Type-51 Carbine - Covenant Carbine
    2 Spare Clips - 45 Second Respawn

    [aname=pic4]Equipment Selection:::[/aname]
    (9) M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade - Frag Grenade
    10 Second Respawn
    (3) Type-3 Antipersonnel/Antimatériel Incendiary Grenade
    20 Second Respawn
    (1) Bubble Shield
    60 Second Respawn
    (1) Regenerator
    60 Second Respawn
    (1) Active Camouflage
    180 Second Respawn - Placed at Start: No

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    [aname=pic5]Show Us The Pictures!!![/aname]

    Rocket Spawn
    You've already seen the overview, so allow me to show you where the Rocket Launcher spawns. Here, you see the platform itself, along with the Dumpsters and the adjacent Fence Wall. I'd like to note that from the platform across is a bump-free walk. Underneath the Rocket Spawn platform is what we began to call The Trophy Case. We debated for a very long time on what to put here, but eventually decided on a Ghost when Sharpestt randomly placed it there. We liked it, and it stayed.

    Starting Spawns
    Behind each of those Doors is a Starting Point for each gametype. After heavy deliberation, I also placed a Starting Spawn in the middle of the spawn area, making the map playable for 3v3. You'll see that there is only one Battle Rifle at the starting area. Also, in Capture the Flag gametypes, the Flag spawns hanging from the roof of the starting area.

    Fence Wall Posts
    Here, you can see the Fence Wall Posts in comparison to the Starting Area. One can grenade jump up to the Fence Wall Post from his Starting Area, or access it much easier through the BR Platforms shown below.


    BR Platforms
    As you can see, each team has this Double Box-length platform equipped with a single Battle Rifle. It provides cover, and also is the easiest access point to the Fence Wall posts, which are the highest points in elevation on the map.

    The Danger Tunnel
    A -Ha! My favorite part of the map. Upon its beginning, I noted to GridNaux that I wanted to use the "Danger" sign located on Foundry's back wall. Far from my knowledge was what was to actually come of this idea. You see here the Window Panel Walkway. It's 100%, perfectly walkable without the slightest bump. After the Window Panels, you see a Bridge. That Bridge connects to a geo-merged Double Box, which then branches out into the rest of the map.

    The Danger Tunnel: Reversed
    Jeez, I get chill bumps as I type this. This is truly the best part of the map. You see at the end of the tunnel a Man-Cannon, correct? The truth is that this Man-Cannon is completely inaccessible without the key. A KEY, you ask?!

    Allow Me To Explain
    The "key" is the Regenerator. The Regenerator, for some unknown reason, gives extra power to any Man-Cannon. Thus, it's use in this map is different than simply to re-charge one's shields. Although it is difficult to see, the Regenerator is placed directly in the middle of the Window Panel Walkway shown above. When placed near/around the Man-Cannon, it allows the player to actually use the Cannon, and advance to the above level. Also, I'd like to say that I had to geo-merge a Man-Cannon in order to achieve this. That's not something that came easy, and I felt it necessary to brag a little bit =]
    Upon the revelation of this idea to us, I searched through a total of 20 pages of ForgeHub Forums. I searched for any possible form of what you see here, and I found nothing. For that reason, I am claiming Team NoseyNaux as the first to use the Regenerator Key, and due credit for its use in a map.

    I will now explain, for the only time, my reasoning for claiming us as the first to use the Regenerator "key" glitch.

    Ok, so you don't like how I claimed it to be our own? Well, you're wrong. I'd like you to read the text carefully. I said that I claimed us as the first to use it in a map. That's also why I noted that I searched through 20 pages of ForgeHub Forums (you know, where they make maps?).

    You can also note that I addressed it in my thanks to Kayaman132, as he is the person who showed us the glitch itself.

    I will not be changing the original post, because I have not claimed anything that is not true. Anymore comments on this will be completely disregarded. I don't want to hear it. I realize that we didn't think of it, and I've not said anything in contradiction to that. Thank you.

    Finally, A Look At The Arena
    You'll notice that all the floor is Wall. This picture was taken from atop the Attacker's BR Platform (for anyone who was curious.) This picture shows a different view of the middle, as well as a peak into The Trophy Case. Inside that Double Box: Open is the map's only Bubble Shield. In between the two Respawn Points that you see to the right of the picture is one of the map's FireBomb Grenades.

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    [aname=pic7]Action, Action, Action!![/aname]

    This picture showcases the two Bridges placed just around the corner from the starting area. I placed them there for a perfect grenade banking opportunity into the opposing team's face. This "rush to Rockets" method highly resembles that of The Pit. The spawn is to the right, and both teams have alternate, but slower, access points to the Rocket Launcher's spawn.


    Team NoseyNaux: Outnumbered =[

    Here is a shot of someone properly using "the key" to access the higher level.

    Here is a shot of me (the blue guy) being outnumbered 3-1. I hit one guy with a FireBomb, and failed at my attempt to kill another. It was a kill for a kill, something I could handle.

    Here again, is beingTOOnosey. This time around, I'm using the noob combo, Plasma Pistol+SMG. IT WORKED =]

    Here is a shot of one of our first playtesting games. You'll notice that my friend and I both think we're the only ones in the Hill. Lulz.

    Yet again, it's me in the Hill, trying to defend my pride. The person you see most primarily in the picture is CookieKing23. He actually lives close to Grid, and has always been a tremendous help with playtesting/general "you rock" comments.

    My favorite thing about this map =] This picture shows one of the Hills located just in front of each team's starting area. I'd like to note that both these Hills are set to be secondary, so they will never be the go-to Hill at the beginning of a game. However, I am immensely happy with how they both look. The hill is positioned perfectly so it appears as if the sides of the Hill are "rain" coming down. It just looks cool to me, man.

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    I Can't Believe It's Done
    What this map has become is something that we'll not soon forget. It hosts some of the most brilliant elements we've put into a map, and I'm not ashamed to be proud of it. Truly, we had a great time making this map. You're likely not to find any single object that isn't, in some way, merged with another.

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    [aname=pic8]A Few Comments From The Public:::[/aname]

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    [aname=pic9]Extra Special Thanks Goes To:::[/aname]

    Again, half of Team NoseyNaux, and half the reason that this map is as beautiful as it is. I can't recall just how many times I said something to the tune of, "Well, I was here to do this part over here, but I messed up that merge a little. Since you weren't here, you fix it." Haha, and as jerk-ish as that is, he fixed my mistakes every time. I truly cannot say that he spent the time of this map smacking me in the head with Boxes. Thanks a lot, bro! Can't wait 'til our next creation.

    Sharp has recently become a big part of our Forging. I believe the best quote I can have of him from this entire process is, "I'm going to get you featured on ForgeHub by nagging!" And nag he did... He was there to point out the many flaws, and insure that they were corrected. I also credit him entirely with the Ghost in The Trophy Case, and the random Wraith that you'll see atop this map's center structure. Thanks to you, Sharp, for making fun of our inadequacies and humbling us 100% of the way through Regency. I'll look forward to whatever you have to say about our next one.

    I believe it's about due time for me to give Cookie some credit. He playtests every single one of our maps with us, and is always there to give us the compliments we deserve =]. Thanks a lot, bro!

    Kaya saved us from having to start our map over who knows how many times. He personally joined our game, and explained to both of us the in's and out's of the budget glitch. He also gave us the idea for the Regerator Key, and for that we are forever grateful. He saved our map, and was there full of compliments even before it was truly a map. Thanks a lot, bro!

    Haha, Chips. He basically joined the game, praised us again and again, and then left. I cannot say how many times he just gave us the boost we needed to go on and finish this map. I would've liked for him to be a bigger part of the entire map itself, but I'm almost certain he's been pretty busy lately. That said, we owe him regardless. Thanks a lot, bro!

    _-_-_-_-_-TEAM NOSEYNAUX- REGENCY-_-_-_-_-_

    Please, if anyone has a problem with my color choices, note that I am colorblind. If you see any contrast in the Reds that I've used, please let me know because I'm extremely colorblind with red. Thanks!

    I look forward to seeing what everyone has to say about Team NoseyNaux's latest creation. Please note that this map did use the budget glitch, but I un-glitched the version you'll be downloading to prevent any tampering with the spawn times/etc. Thanks a lot, and I'll see all of you as I frequent our latest creation!

    #1 dented_drum, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
    Randle Scandal likes this.
  2. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This. Is. Amazing.

    I have seen the person post the regen. making the man cannons work, but yeah this is the first time I have seen it in a map. Overall looks very very good. I like your "Danger Room" lol.

    Also the credit section was very nice. You included a paragraph for each person that helped you out rather than a normal thanks to... blah blah blah. So I also enjoyed your post.

    Your pics give a good understanding of this map, and how it works. And a description to go with most of the pics helps a lot as well... Making the maps description quite easy to understand throughout the process.

    I can't keep showering you with praises though, I need to post on what I think of this. I would give this a definite 9.5/10, some places could have used interlocking just to boost it up to that perfect 10 you know? Anyway, great forging.
    ~Randle $candal
  3. El1te Shad0w

    El1te Shad0w Ancient
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    looks very good 4/5

    This is classed as Spam. Infraction given.
    #3 El1te Shad0w, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2008
  4. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The interlocking is flawless, my only problem with this map is the weapon placement. I dislike fire bomb grenades on any map.
  5. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks fun. The layout makes it looks like its huge from the picture. Good job utilizing the available space. I might have to download this.
  6. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Kick. Ass.

    ...I still don't think that one part was even. You know what I'm talking about. Every time I pointed it out...YOU IGNORED IT!

    The map is sweet.
  7. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

    Senior Member

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    The interlocking is amazing. You must have had a lot of patientce to make this. the danger tunnel is my favorate. It looks like you put everything in the best spot so it would be a fun even thought it was king of the hill.5/5
  8. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    They're like plasmas. You hit them with the grenade and they're dead. Miss and you can still do some damage.
  9. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is pure genius! The inerlocking and geomerging is amazing and the layout is well done! And the Regenerator Key is simply EPIC!! I'm gonna have to try this out myself in the forge (dont worry if I ever do use it I know to give credit where credit is due).
  10. American10

    American10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the interlocking is spectacular.The map has a good quality of fun and i suggest that you take out the fire bombs because they cause lag in games especially small maps.but overall it looks pretty good.
  11. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love all your maps, this is the greatest one yet. the innovative ideas are creative, and it is a definite dl
  12. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good desciption, good map, I'll DL.
  13. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice snipe signature, can i steal it?
  14. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have never seen a firebomb cause lag.
  15. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Epic map! I think the firebombs are fine, as Sharp said they are pretty much like plasmas, and few good maps even have them. I think they are awesome to play with, adds some variety.
  16. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    frst a funneh


    Now, onto teh commentsorz.

    Hmm, thanks for the 9.5/10! I'm afraid I don't know where you're saying that things could have been merged more. As a matter of fact, nearly every object on the map is merged. Even counting weapons and spawns, I'm almost certain that there are more objects on the map merged than not merged.

    That said, thanks for a detailed reply! I love to hear reasons, and not just a rating and telling me it looks nice.

    Thanks for the rating, but please give some kind of reasoning behind what you say. Simply replying like that is spam, and it will be reported.

    Thanks for the comment on the interlocking! However, a problem with weapon placement would be with a weapon, not equipment. Grenades are classified as equipment. Also, not liking a grenade is not something I see worthy as a reason to lower any rating. Thanks for the comment none-the-less.

    As a matter of fact, the map isn't that large. When you delete all the inner-scenery, it appears as if it can't even suit 2v2 games. However, I'm thrilled to hear that it appears larger, because that's what we were going for with the inner-scenery.

    Yes, it still doesn't appear "off" enough to consider changing. I might change it if we release a V2. Thanks, Sharp!

    Yeah, we had several people present when we were placing the Hill/Territory locations. I'm quite pleased with how they came out. Thanks for the comment, and for giving a reason for your rating!

    Haha, no worries. Now, you'll have to get it just right. Actually, I had to geo-merge the man-cannon in order for it to work just right. It takes a little time to figure out the distance and what not, but you'll get used to it. Thanks for the comment!

    Hmm, just as Sharp said, I've not seen FireBombs lag games. Now, a few times, I've seen a FireBomb not kill a person, but that's simply because of the distance thrown from/etc. Thanks for the comment regardless!

    Thanks a lot, bro! Hope you enjoy it, and it lives up to what you feel it to be!

    Thanks for the comment, but again, please give a reasoning behind what you think. Even if it's something as simple as "change the firebombs," make it something constructive please.

    Thanks for the comment, Cookie! I'm pretty sure he nailed are reasoning for putting the FireBombs. Not many maps use them correctly, and I wanted to have a map where I could use them and have a nice map to use them on.
    #16 dented_drum, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  17. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh I was mentioning the boxes on top of the boxes. where if you merged them to look like one box it would be exellent (still just as long, but it just looks that much better)
  18. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Hmm, merging those wouldn't actually make it look like one box. I can see where you're coming from, but the only thing that would do is lower the level of the Boxes, possibly making the map escapable.

    I can't imagine that actually looking good, but I'll go in a game right now and try it out. I'll see if it looks good, and change it if necessary. Thanks for coming back and clearing that up!
  19. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    gd description, looks good uv got some cool features, looks clean and a very cool layout, gd job man its really paid off
  20. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is THE best map ive ever seen! By far the best of Team NoseyNaux, and I havent even DL'd yet! The interlocking is some of the best ive ever seen, and i will be back with a more detailed, professional review in a minute.

    For now, a 10/10, great work.
    P.S: just now understood the name, that was genius!

    Desert Rat 852

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