as you all know geomerging on cold storage is very possible because of the doors, the problem i'm facing is that whenever i do it, it lags the hell out of my 360. Is this a bad thing? because i don't want to be stuck for the rest of the summer w/out a box. Does this happen to anyone else?
does this just happen on Cold Storage or in general? it doesn't happen to me but i haven't tried it in cold storage yet.
play in local mode and every thing should be fine... also, geomerging on cold storage is wierd, because once you have youre item in the wall/floor, it will stay there always. like you push it in just like you would move any object.
Yeah, when i try to geo-merg the game all lags up. Oh yeah, geo-merging doesn't even work with me. I like your signature. Though the Forge aint with me... Merged posts...
note to alien guy thingy, don't double post pl0x1!! and if you need help geomerging, send me a FR to my GTT.(same as forgehub)
i just tried it, no dif. it's to do with the game engine processing the thing going thru the wall, no the connection.
Don't worry, this is normal. The only thing you should be worried about is if you get lagged out, or if you hear your box's fan getting louder/faster.
do it the way i do--interlock something with it so it doesn't go up and just touch it with the same rules.
It does the same thing for me on ghost town. I been working on a new map and needed some geo-merging and it would always lag the crap out of my 360.
I haven't proven this, but an experienced Forger of my acquaintance said something about Avalanche, where you apparently can't blend items until the map is overloaded, or it will lag like all hell as you're experiencing. I don't know if this would affect Ghost Town as well, being in the same DLC, or Cold Storage too. I'm sure you all know how to overload maps.