Ramparts V2 Created by: Bl00D F1R3 Download here V2 UPDATED!! In the first version of Ramparts there were some problems witch involved, Spawns, Weapon Placement , Balance and Weird sounds? This weekend I updated the map and fixed these minor problems with the help from Iv0rY Snak3 and Iron Tusk 51. Weapon Placement: As many of you may or may not know the map had a sever weapon placement problem. The problem was that there were simply to many power weapons on the map. Witch lead in to the next problem... Balance: The game was defender heavy, meaning that the most of the power weapons were closer to the defenders making it un-balanced and not even. Spawns: The Spawns were often off or just terrible timing because I suck and making spawns. Strange Sounds?!: In the far right section of the map you would hear a sound that sounded like two movable objects merging. What was fixed. A great big thanks is out too Iron Tusk 51. He completely re-did the weapon placement making it much more balanced. The changes he made were removing the shot gun and switching it with a Brute Shot. He also scraped the Mauler and oversheild and put a Rocket launcher down there. The spartan laser is gone and the so is the sniper. The sniper is now a Beam rifle located at the Hammer spawn. The turrets are gone now. The regeneration has been switched with a Trip mine to Spice up gameplay. There have been many other little changes involving duel-wield able weapons as well. For spawing there is another huge thanks out to Iv0rY Snak3. He took the time to help me and explain how to properly do spawns on a map. He re-did the entire system making the map very balanced with perfect spawns. The strange noice is gone too. It turns out There were 3 wire spools in side a dubble box. lol they are gone now so there is no more weird noises. MAP DESCRIPTION Today forge hub, I would like to present to you Ramparts. Ramparts is my newest map and probably the most difficult to create. Ramparts uses some very tricky geo-merging witch was not only hard, it was frustrating. I got the name Ramparts because its packed with bridges to get you to the various zones of the map. Don't be fooled if the map center peice looks like the one of Eviscerate, Its very similar but this one is designed for Ramparts with its play style in mind. The difference is that one side with a bridge on it is complete open, making you very vulnerable to be shot. Also it has a over shield in the center. One thing that was very tricky on this map was the chute. The chute is located be-hind the sniper spawn, Once you jump down it it will slide you to the ghost spawn to get away from your enemy's or even try to splatter them. The chute was made so it runs very easy and looks good technically Ramparts uses all of foundry accept for the back areas, so its the same shape as most other foundry maps. On Ramparts there is many hiding spots so you can doge bullets quickly and avoid attacks or even try to assassinate your foes. MLG: If your a MLG fan and this map looks like its appealing to you and seems like it would be a good MLG map, get it here. MLG Rampart Ramparts features tons of neat things. Like the ledges from Gardian or mounted weapons and equipment. Recommended Gametypes: I recommend playing a match of Slayer. The maps spawn points support it and its fair and a blast. If you like team work try Team slayer on this. It takes skill and c ordination. Multi flag plays great on Ramparts. There is wall mounted flags. also if the other team has your flag you will spawn in a higher zone to try to get them or track them across the map. Playing One Flag. One Flag has its on experience. I STRONGLY recommend trying it. Its a lot of fun with on the edge of your seat experience that will leave you begging for more. Don't be fooled when there is only a few seconds left in play, the game can be turned around so you need to play strong the entire match to win. Supported Game types: Multi Flag Team Slayer Slayer Odd Ball Territorys Assault Infection KOTH Author: Bl00D F1R3 Reviewed by: DRiSCOLL Enjoyment: 8/10 The overall flow is pretty good and creates an atsmophere, its great fun and ive found it usefull for big party games, its big and includes allot of cover which is placed nicely may I add, its fast gameplay is very satisfactory and makes it what it is. Balance: 8/10 sadly i havn't played it long enough to know all the weapon placement but when we were playing their didnt seem to be any advantage, high ground and low ground is pretty even. its big and most game types work very well, the fusion coils come in handy and saved my life a thew times. Durability: 9.5/10 The spawn placement is very good and i don't think its possible to "spawn camp",and loseing grenades is impossible thanks to the amazing barrier blocking off the map, even that seems neat and ive got cought staring at it a cuple of times, so i can say proudly that this is a solid map,. Aesthetics: 9/10 The map itself looks very nice the walls and cover are all well interlocked and the fence.I applaud blood fir3 for yousing teleporters because it looks nicely placed, the whole map looks detailed, i love how you placed barrels and barriers in the geomerged fence box because like i said earlier it adds detail. Originality: 8/10 most map consist of two bases and a center structure but i like how its mixed up, everything seems new and easy on the eyes, all types of combat consist thanks to the layout, you don't feel as if you were in foundry because of the big and small detail that just spells out creativity Overall score (Average of the above): 9.5/10 Overall this was a very enjoyable map and decently balanced, it looks very neat and includes allot of features, Theres not really anything that i would change, the layout works well and its made well. Allot of people love it and i can see why, it deserves the feature Video: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=aAHl41qiDrwhttp://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=OhgXdQT_GH4 Pictures: This is a over veiw of the map. It shows many of the structres you will find on Ramparts This would be the Beam Rifle spawn on the map. It has a 180 Re-spawn time. This is the way up to the chute or sniper spawn. This is the sniper spawn. This is the base of the sniper spawn or chute. Finally , Please comment and rate on Bungie
This is like all of your maps combined, which was a great idea since you have some awesome maps that have a home on my Hard Drive Aesthetically this is the best competitive map I've ever seen! This should be featured.
This looks like a great map with fluid interlocking and good gameplay (well, i have to see that for myself). Definite download. 5/5. The sniper chute is awesome = ).
wow! i really like this map! it looks like it is great for slayer! the twobridges interlocked and the power-ups in the middle looks really cool! great job! this looks like it's got extream interlocking!
This is a very well put together map, the interlocking and geo merging is outstanding, i love the different bridges espically the fence wall bridge. Playing ffa slayer on it was very fun, epic at times. Great job.
I remember joining your game =] I'm iTz CoBrA v2. Very nice looking map, also playts very well, the only bad thing I would say is change some of the power weapons, but other than that, good map.
Hey, this map looks really good and has solid interlocking. Looks great for team slayer. I especially like the sniper chute. Brilliant map 5/5. Keep it up
I remember testing this map with you! I was in the CTF part of the movie! This map is really fun and origonal and one of the best I've ever played on.
Good job this map looks pretty good but i got to say theres not much creativity.It has clean and nice interlocking which is a plus but these arnt my types of maps so im not going to dl.
I loved this map it is complete pwnage I was in the video yeah (Sage 714-S14) you see me when Blood F1r3 goes into 1st person
This is a nice looking map, but I haven't yet played a foundry map which I've liked that included a ghost. Still, I will download and have a look.