I think cloverfield took the cake for me....for one the movie is an hour and 5 minutes long....and you never find out what happens and they just die...its really really dumb....the only rather kool thing about that movie is you see the flash backs which actually happend to old video cameras... So What Do You Think IS THE Worst Ending To A Movie.......EXPLAIN
The village. its the worst mvie in general. The twist at the end is like. "Man, that was a nice orange" "It was a mandarine, muahahahaha!" The Village was a movie of fail.
Village for sure. Wait wait, there was this one from japan so I read the subtitles the whole time an the ending sucked so badly.
Attack of the gryphon it was horrible they killl the gryphon and then some wizard. Then the guy knocks up his cusin. The special effects were from like clipart from Microsoft powerpoint.and it was made in like 06
Speaking of a certain writer/director... you cannot make a movie about an event happening, title it 'The Happening', spend the whole movie having the audience try to figure out what is happening, then explain it by saying, sometimes, in nature, things happen and we never actually find out why.
Every movie that was Written by M. Knight Shayalman or w/e the hell is name is. They all suck. and have lame ass twists
be kind rewind. the worst movie I ever saw, i wanted to leave during it. Its so dumb the video store crew and townpeople just make a piece of crap movie about a guy who supposedly lived in the video store and the movie ends with people clapping.
i actually enjoyed be kind rewind...the ending was really bad tho...i thought it would be like they could keep making sweded movies.....
I saw this film called Venus once and it was just 2hrs of FAIL. I was so bored that i nearly fell to sleep it but then it turned around because me and my friends just ruined the film for everyone else by messing around so it went from the WORST to BEST films ever.
Pokemon The Movie had the worst ending of all time. We all expected badassness, blood, gore, Pikachu sex, and Gary taking it up the ass like the ***** he is. But we didn't get any of it, and thus our childhood dreams were shattered and we all took to the Internet for refuge from the cold world around us. And here we are...
Jumper...actually that movie jsut plain out sucked. Not only does the plot make no sense but he then does something the movie itself claimed was impossible at the end. As in your going to f***ing die if you do it.And he does while in a state that he should even be able to jump AT ALL. AND he leaves the only cool guy in the movie(the presumably irish nutjob paladin killer) in an electric pylon in the middle of nowhere. Then it does this stupid " im giving you a headstart...cuz im so omnipitent and epic2 which i can only assume was to spell the "his moms the bad guy" out in black and white for the stupid people
If you did that in a theatre, you're really immature and really stupid. If you thought the movie sucked, leave. Don't be an ass about. Because those people payed for a movie, not for some idiot like you to **** it up. Motocross wasn't half bad. And I actually enjoyed High School Musical 1&2. And My Date With the President's Daughter wasn't half bad either.