Warning: Course language and large images! If you have dial-up, turn back now I decided to make this because of some of the comments on my last thing I made. "Reynbow's Adventures" as it was named. This is just a little test thingy I made up to see what people think. Oh and by no means am I a professional writer =P So don't expect much of a quality read from this at all xD Anyway, what do you think =]
OMG YOU MADE IT!!!♥ Awesome =] Get back on skype you *****. Oh, and that was the game where I played like ****, glad you didn't illustrate that...too much...
lololol, yeah the animation is cool as. Oh and Tex, I think I have already established the set character styles for us.... lol I'm the stupid one that can't kill anyone. Tex thinks he's awesome and can kick Reynbows ass. Chips is just a ****ing assassin and ShadowViper is a crazy bastard that always hides in the shadows =D
"Umm... does the BR still have a grenade launcher on it?" lulz O yeah, have you seen my new sigs Reyn? I'm almost as good as you now! Ahaha! You have no way to respond, do you?
Oh em gee, you noticed! ♥♥♥♥♥ (that's five hearts, which is like...20 times more then less then three....wait...)
Yeah I will make part two eventually. I will be getting a different writer to come up with the "story line" for me. My brother, he did a full course in literacy or something at TAFE. Like learning how to write books, poetry etc... And he's a funny ****er, somewhat twisted too. So expect some crazy **** in the next one.