Created by Linubidix D O W N L O A D Dont forget ratings and comments on They'd be greatly appreciated. ________________________ Once home to the ancient Spartans, the Brutes invasion was what ultimately led to its destruction. 6-12 players _______________________________ Pankration is an ayssmetric map aimed for more FFA style of play but it does work very well for Team Games and it flows very well with most games Team or FFA. In case you're wondering, yes. Its set up for all gametypes. ________________________________ I wanted to make a really different map, with features not seen a whole lot. I used a very strong consistent theme with layout and weapons. I did some merging in placed not seen a lot. Overall, I achived my goal when making this map, I am very happy with result. ________________________________ Theme: The layout and structural features of Pankration follow no set theme. The theme is that it was once a land where the ancient Spartans would reside. The Brutes invaded this area in 2418 slaughtering anyone who crossed their path and they made this land their temporary home. Temporary because a severe accident took place. While testing new equipment, the brutes had made a mistake when building, it blew. Essentially the land was nuked. Causing a lot of structural damage rendering the land uninhabitable. So to follow the theme of Pankration, almost all weapons, are covenant. A lot of walls, boxes etc. are slightly ascew. ________________________________ The name: Pankration is a martial arts sport introduced in the GreekOlympic games in 648 BC. This martial art was founded as a blend of boxing and wrestling. Because of this, the term pankration comes from the Greek πανκράτιον, literally meaning "all powers" and that from πάν (pan) "all" + κράτος (kratos) "strength" or "power". The term is also used to describe the sport's modern variations. Some also argue it to be the first all-encompassing fighting system in human history, and modern mixed martial arts have many similar techniques. To learn more about Pankration, wikipedia is your friend. ________________________________ Layout: The layout is almost impossible to describe, so I will not hurt my brain trying. For screenshot purpsoses, I'll be referring to Blue, Red, Green and Yellow corner. And just so you know where they are... I used all of foundry except for the armory room, in yellow corner. ________________________________ Weapons/Equipment: (Item-How Many-Respawn-Clips) Carbine – 6 – 20 – 2 Grav Hammer – 1 – 150 – N/A Needler – 3 – 120 – 2 Brute Shot – 4 – 90 – 1 Beam Rifle – 1 – 120 – N/A Sniper Rifle – 1 – 120 – 0 Mauler – 4 – 60 – 0 Spiker – 6 – 30 – 2 Plasma Rifle – 4 – 60 – N/A Spartan Laser – 1 – 150 – N/A Flamethrower – 1 – 120 –N/A Plasma Cannon – 1 – 90 – N/A Ghost – 1 – 180 – N/A Chopper – 1 – 180 – N/A Spike Grenade – 12 – 10 – N/A Firebomb – 6 – 45 – N/A Bubble Shield – 2 – 90 – N/A Power Drain – 1 – 120 – N/A Trip Mine – 1 – 90 – N/A Grav Lift – 2 – 60 – N/A Active Camo – 1 – 180 – N/A Fusion Coils – 10 – 120 – N/A The aim was to rid gameplay of the Assault Rifle, which is impossible. You notice no BRs, I wanted to make a really different style of map. I believe I achieved my goal. There's plenty of items available to be successful. Plenty of items to combat the vehicles, although some areas arent very open or very close quarters, the vehicles do not reach their full power as they do in other maps. Plenty of spots for sniping, but they leave you open. Fusion Coils placed to reduce a lot of camping. Generally in truely competetive maps, you see frags and plasmas or frags and spikes. Well I wanted something different, so its spikes and firebombs. ________________________________ Gameplay: I'd reccommend playing with parties upwards of 6. It gets a bit too lonely with much smaller. but it still works well with 4 or 5 FFA. Somethings that works very well on Pankration. Elimination BR & AR start. 5, 3 minute rounds. 3 lives per round. Lose a point for each death, gain a point for each kill... This actually is one of the best things to do on Pankration. Golden Gun Basically FFA, Juggernaut has 300% damage and cannot pick up weapons. Magnum start... This is a very relaxing gametype, its fun, easy, simple, ammusing. King Nothing Its FFA KOTH, points are only earned for uncontested time. Hill doesn't move...Because of the hill point in Pankration, it can be quite fun. Black Cat Magic This was actually made by Headlessbarbie, it is incredibly fun. Everyone has camo and sniper, Juggernaut was the latter and no sheilds. Points are only earned for kills as Juggernaut... Headlessbarbie, Me and everyone who play Black Cat Magic love it. Flag Rally Not a link, just plays very well. Make sure to change it to BR & AR start. CTF, both 1 Flag and Multi Flag. They work very well with upwads of 3 per team. I have barely played infection on Pankration, I assume it works pretty well. Unfortuneately, no amount of tweaking and editing could make this a good Oddball map. ________________________________ Now what you've scrolled to. Screenshots. Its never a bad thing to have too many screenshots, that's what I say. The Bottom level of the Multi level Shanty style structure. Another look at the top level Merging in the ****ing crane!!! Laser and 2 Firebombs spawn. I dont believe I've ever seen Merging in the back alley. Firebombs spawn in the open box. Yellow corner. Hammer, 2 spikers, Carbine, 2 spike nades and Needler. Looking out from Hammer spawn. The tunnel, one of the main structres. Camo, 2 spiker and 2 spike nades in tunnel. and Bubble sheild located behind it. Red Corner. Ghost, 2 fireboms, 2 spike nades, carbine, plasma rifle, mauler, trip mine and grav lift. The ghost spawn. The door can be walked underneath, but only from the very edge on the opposite side. Green corner. Inside the curvature. Beam rifle spawn. Blue Corner. Area in between Blue and Green Corner Looking out form Blue Corner Maybe the most open area of the map. Human sniper spawns on top of bridge. Area next to the curvature. A small overview of the edge of red corner and the middle of the map The stepping stones. ________________________________ Well, first off. Almost all of this map was done by me, Linubidix. But a bit of thanks goes to Headlessbarbie for inspiring me with the merging in the back alley. Thansk to JAYclash for being in almost all of the testing sessions, I know you must've gotten sick of Pankration after a while. And thanks to everyone who helped test. ________________________________ A few comments I've received that were very nice were - "It reminds me of Deviation." "It reminds me of Kentucky Tango." "This is a very refreshing map from everything else available." "I reckon this could be an actual map, like a bungie made, real map.""Honestly this map reminds me of project U" ________________________________ If you did not see it up top, or you cannot be bothered scrolling back up. HERE IS THE LINK Thank you, this has been Pankration by Linubidix As always, critisism is welcome and complements are appreciated.
this is a cool map well done on the alley merging you should see my map i have a double box merged and i didn't mean it i dont know how it got there, lol, this is a well cool map 9.5/10
NOOOOooooo... Linu, you were supposed to wait 40 more posts =/ On topic... The map is nothing short of godly Linu. Interlocking, clean, the curve especially looks very good, almost looks rounded... which is hard to do with straight objects... I am definitely putting this one on my download list. I see the geomerging, and just like had a forgegasm. All I can say is E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Keep on forging Linu! ~Randle $candal
This is awesome. Like OMFG awesome. Your maps are always awesome, and this one must be the awesomest! This must be the coolest map by far! Even though it's built on the original foundry and has the default walls and floors, it doesn't remind me of foundry. I cant believe that you got a box into the hallway. That must have taken ages. Almost everything is merged and interlock so I will rate 5/5.
This was fun to test. I really like the concept that the map has. It kinda reminds me of Tower of Power. "Control the Central building and you control the map was my basic tactic when I played". Good Job.
Hmm... I'll d/l later when my slots a empty. To me, in the last pic, it kind of looks like what happens when my friends say "Ok, everybody go into a corner and make a base, then we'll connect them" I've never seen merging in the back hallway. 4/5
This is, as evryone has said, amazing. I was going to do the box in the back halls thing when I get home in a month. I'm glad that you had this idea first and it works pretty well. I like how you tried to make this as original as possible. This is what really makes your map. You used all of foundry basicly rather than the normal half section. Great job 10/10 -my new map is going to have many original ideas to it but slowly people start getting the same ideas like the merging in the back tunnels. Luckily I have a lot in store.
Tim, go to bed. It's the morning in the states, and there's no excuse other than work for not being asleep. On a side note, Linou this is a kickass map, and is probably your best yet. I have it queued, and I can't wait to check it out! Excellent merging, and awesome layout as well. Nowadays it seems like people focus more on Forge techniques than building an effective layout, and you've definitely done the latter to perfection. The curved structures/tunnel are refreshing to look at, and you've done a great job. 5/5
the map looks a little visually weaker compared to your previous efforts. Nothing about it visually makes me remember it really. Aside from maybe the open box in the hall, which is VERY well done. That aside, i played a few small networked games on it. It really worked well. The gameplay flowed VERY smoothly, and i wanted to play on it several more times in a row. Elimination was probably my favorite on this particular map. You seem to have a knack for making maps that compliment that gametype. Congrats on making another absolutely sweet map.
looks pretty good thers allot of merging and its nicely done, the map looks really cool but some places look abit rushed, but a looks like a great map and really fun good job
Very nicely constucted map, good sir. The effort you put into this map clearly shows in the quality of his thread. It's nice to see a map that occupies the entire map, it isnt something we see very much these days.
I would vote for option 5: It was made by you. But I'm Warned. Anyway, I like the theme, which is weird, considering you said there was no theme and then went on to explain the theme. But I think maybe it would have made more sense on a more open level, not sure. (the map itself.) The map itself: It's above average, I'll give you that, but it's also not amazing. Kinda like what I commented on an old featured map, forgot which one. My thoughts on the layout are kinda the same as the what I wrote above, it's above average but not amazing, you say there is no theme, so maybe that's what I'm missing here. Overall I guess I'll say 8/10. Good Job Linu. P.S: Nice post. Easy to Follow. ______ Edit: To add on to my third paragraph thing, my favorite part of the map is the building in pictures 1 and 2. Good job on the merging in the back alley though.
WoW i really like this map. this is a very original piece with beautiful interlocking. and the one thing that i just dont understand is how you got that double open box into the back ally and geo-glitched it so well. you'll have to send me a private msg or sumthin on how you did it. anyways nice map, i'll be downloading this map as soon as i get online next. 4.9/5
Looks good but personally my favorite parts are both the merged laserspawn and firebomb backalley , 4.9/5!
first pic reminds me of twister the game and i like that this map can be used i hope for 4 teams and all are no equal so i like that.. 4/5