Overdrive V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by kingkai93, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. kingkai93

    kingkai93 Ancient
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    Overdrive V2


    This is version two of my map, overdrive, I have made this newer version due to requests for weapons and equipment on the map.

    The only updates I have added to the map is new weapon and equipment spawns.


    A small enclosed map designed for fast gameplay with a few special features. It is a fairly simple map, but is a lot of fun when you play it. Consists of two main rooms, connected by entrances and hallways. In one sided games, two of the four entrances to one of the rooms are blocked off, concentrating the action even more. Very fun, very easy to find all the action.

    This map is made up of two main rooms, one of them consists of two levels, the bottom level has 3 ground entrances and an entrance through the ceiling from the top part above it. This room also contains a wall made of fence walls interlocked with shield walls, to create a solid wall that you can see through, that also stops both players and bullets.

    The top half of this room has two entrances and one exit through the floor. Part of it's floor is made of fence walls, enabling you to shoot from above at players below.

    The other main room is basically an open room, with two open double boxes in the middle to make it less open. This room has two lifts that take you to a higher walkway, which you can use to get into the top part of the other main room. The walkway basically surrounds most of this room.


    This map is best suited for 3-6 players, as this fits its small size.


    This map is set up for slayer, king of the hill, oddball and assault. It is a lot of fun playing it in one bomb assault. It is also very fun in free for all swords.


    1x Sword (symmetrical only)
    2x SMG
    3x Battle rifle
    2x Spiker
    1x Needler


    4x Frag grenades
    4x Spike grenades
    1x Bubble shield (symmetrical only)
    1x Regenerator


    Vehicles on this map would just be completely stupid.

    Note: these pictures were taken before I added the weapons.

    The bottom part one of the main rooms
    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x702.[​IMG]

    The top part of one of the main rooms
    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x771.[​IMG]

    One of the sides of the other main room, including its top walkway
    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x770.[​IMG]

    A view of the room with the shield/fence wall from ground level (by the way that teleporter is only so if you end up outside the map you can get back in, you shouldn't encounter this problem, though)

    An overview of my map with the roof taken off

    An overview of my map with the roof taken off, taken at a different angle

    Weremidget gave me the idea of making an overview of the map in paint, so i did.
    Here is a fairly accurate floor plan of my map, I drew it from memory so dont complain if it slightly differs from the actual map itself.

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    I hope you enjoy this map, please comment and put in suggestions so I can make it better.
    #1 kingkai93, Jul 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  2. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pretty good map. Everything looks balanced and this looks to be a simple yet fun game and I look forward to playing this in the future. But don't rate your own map, that's something we (the community) will do.
  3. wyatt912

    wyatt912 Ancient
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    Pretty good, I like it, but i see where it can be improved. i think the map would look better if the shielddoors and fence walls where interlocked. Also there are some holes inbetween the boxes that if i threw a grenade it would fly out of the map. (corner of pic 2, top of pic 3)
  4. kingkai93

    kingkai93 Ancient
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    the shield walls and fence walls ARE interlocked, just not exactly perfectly, also, why would you want to throw a grenade out of the map anyway?
  5. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    looks like a very good map. it is well organized and constructed. i like how you didnt load the map with a load of uber weapons. i would definitely dl it
    #5 Dr. Chombie, Jul 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yea I'm sorta of picky about the interlocking on the maps I download, this map really needs some interlocking so I feel like I am not in foundary all the time.
  7. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    I dont know about this one,
    it seems like just a regular, run o' the mill map, nothing special,
    but you get a smiley for trying
  8. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I don't think this deserved a repost.
    If people were still commenting on the other one, which you posted today, then you should have just edited the link and made a comment.
  9. kingkai93

    kingkai93 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why though? interlocking wont change the gameplay at all, it will just make the map appear better, looks arent everything.

    also, i have now updated this and added an overview drawn in paint, which includes weapon and equipment locations on both floors, hope that helps you to understand the map better.
    #9 kingkai93, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  10. wyatt912

    wyatt912 Ancient
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    ... oh, wait, i see it now the angle of the pic confused me. and i wouldn't want to throw a grenade out of the map, imagine that you are fighting a person and all you need to do is throw a grenade at the person and when you do, it is thrown in such a way that it goes out of the map.
  11. kingkai93

    kingkai93 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good point, i guess yeah i should fill up those holes, anyway, has anyone actually played this map yet? if so, id like feedback.

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