Wow, this thread is completely pointless. I'm good at forging, really neat and stuff but I never finish maps, only start them.
nope, we all suck at forging, and all of our maps suck too. Especially the featured maps. The reason featured maps are featured is the suck way more than the rest of the maps. /sarcasm what do you think?
no, i really suck at forging. or is this just a brag thread that people can say how good thay are at forgin?
wtf kind of thread is this. Could a mod lock it, pl0x, its just random pointless comments. Oh BTW: Yes, I am good at forging.
I suck at forging and everything halo related, in fact I'm posting just because you asked, because I totally feel obligated to by the fact that you said, Are you good at forging on a halo 3 forging website. /rant /sarcasm
This could be a different question. To see how sarcastic this site really is? because all ive seen is comments like "M4n 1 suck 4ss @ teh F0rg3" , can we at least have some more sensible comments before this is locked?.