Here is my Bungie Day picture. feel free to post any of your pics from bungie day.. btw doesnt my shadow look similar to a grunt? wierd.
Haha this is cool...did you edit this or was it actually there on valhalla? Because I remember some from the on halloween with the tombstone.
yes its acually there. just make sure your date on your xbox is the right date and it will show up.. even in customs.
sweet...the reason I thought it was edited was because the 7th column sign was really bright and big...but I guess bungie wanted to express bungie day with a bigger symbol!
Nice one Blaze, a good find and your pics are really well taken, they look good. I'll have to go into customs and have a look. Also, ur grunt shadow is awesome.
Yes, durning most significant events the wall on Valhalla usually has some sort of icon on it. I believe this is the fourth icon to appear.
ya they have 1for alot acually.. i like to go in and just change my date to the time to go check them out.
preeeeetty. i wish i could have seen it but NOOOOO drawingman wanted to play icy treats all damn day long.
Yeah I've seen many different texts and logos on the wall in the first pic, one said "barbeque at bobs" or something like that. I never noticed the other two though, nice finds. And I love your grunt shadow lol! Show some dominance!!! Be the one who wears the trousers in the relationship!
yeah I never got to see this tobad your pics look cool anyhow . Maybe if I change my date back to the 7th I can see them:0
I took screens too. Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer My question is this: Does the logo really appear on that rock?
cool, nice pic dude i was to busy playing the new map to see for myself, but cool find and ye ur shadow looks like a grunt, wierd