Furnace V2 by ajpsk8 An unfortunate player burns in the furnace Overview Furnace is a mainly KoTH and CTF map. Although its weapon placement does not follow the standards, a CTF game can call for MLG-Type game playing doue to the map's open layout. This allows for a lot of cross-map BRing and a lot of quick thinking. Furnace is a map that took well over 100 hours of work. I have interlocked a seamless floor at the precise height of the sideways fence boxes for a smooth walkway. The walls and floor have been geomerged as well (this took the longest). The corner in the next pic took 3 weeks to place! The new version is now silenced and uses teleporters to kill the unfurtunate who fall in Gameplay Furnace is a large, awesomely interlocked, contained map with one major area of conflict: the hill - wait, doesn't sound very interesting. Did we mention that the hill was a small bridge suspended over a continuous explosion? Sounds a little more complicated. This map was originally a primarily KoTH map, but v2, I focused more on supporting more gametypes. Now furnace offers MLG-paced, asymmetrical One Flag CTF and One Bomb Assault games. Supported Gametypes (Recommended, Not recommended) - KoTH - 1 Flag CTF - 1 Bomb Assault - Slayer - Oddball (ball gets lost in the furnace) - Territories - Juggernaut (but who plays anyways?) - Infection - VIP Weapons 6 Battle Rifles 1 Brute Shot 2 Spikers 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Plasma Rifle Equipment 1 Flare (useful to make people fall) 1 Grav Lift An example of the great interlocking (the corners took 3 weeks to place) A player on the roof snipes the current king of the kill No camping! Another View... The Oversheilds tunnel. Theres a BR against the wall to your left. Notice that you are very exposed. A view of inside the furnace This is what will get you A view behind the furnace, That teleporter leads to a small room where the sniper is kept. Notice the ledge above the teleporter The sniper is kept here, but you dont want to be in here too long, seeing how exposed you are. This is a shot of the tunnel that holds the brute shot. A player boosts to the top of the furnace using a grav lift Cross-map action This player got pushed right in to the furnace Sniping from the roof of the furnace. I didn't see what was coming next. Hammer Hill Hammer Hill is a variant I came up with after making the map. Its really fun because gravity hammers call for some clumsy mistakes (like falling into the furnace). Here are some screens: He falls right in Tips:Get on the ledge above the teleporter and hit the wall, this sends them flying into the furnace: Download Download Furnace Download Hammer Hill (not needed to play on map)
I remember this map (the first version) and it was an interesting concept. I'm glad that you have Greatly improved on it! As soon as I saw the first overview I was jaw dropped by how much your map has improved from the last time. This was well worth the wait. That corner that you pointed out looks fantastic and flawless. Very very nice work. You have taken your time and have made a flawless map. The only thing that disappoints me is that there aren't pics showing the furnance when it is exploding. That is the main focus of the map, which looked cool in the first version.
The interlocking is astounding but my one concern about the furnace is that there might be lag. Is the explosion constant?
The constant explosion was taken out of the map. Now there are simply death teleporters at the bottom of the furnace. Thanks!
Very well done map. i don't see much interlocking but i may be mistaken. also all of the geo-glitching on the pic named 'this is what will get you' is phenomenal, how'd you get it done so cleanly. 4.3/5. nicely done though
aaahh finally out! EDIT: 3 weeks for corners??? i take 8 hours for full maps lol jk jk though....idg (i dont get) why its called furnace...
In a way that's slightly disappointing, I understand why you used the death teleporters instead of an explosion but it takes away from the whole atmosphere of the map, I would consider re - naming it since it doesn't play like much of a furnace any more. To return to the explosion idea, what you could do is make the explosion only come say every 30 seconds and make it inescapable so if you fall you wait for your death.
Yea, it was quite disappointing to take them out myself, but it was suggested by Matty that I removed the explosion and used death teleporters instead
wow. i never saw the first version, and i haven't played this yet, but jesus christ dude. you have some serious forging skills. this is one of the best looking maps i have seen in ages and the time you took definitely shows through. completely flawless interlocking and geomerging, and the gameplay seems like it'd be pretty fun too. you've definitely got my download. only question is, how long before this gets featured? =)
i agree it takes away from the atmosphere i mean it would make it lag quite much if the explosions were inside the map but it would make plenty of sense if they were in the map, hense the name furnace
Great map i must admit , i love the geomerged corners and crates they look perfect. l Think you should take Speed-e-cakes idea into account as death teleporters just wont make the map as atmospheric , thats if you make a v3. aside from that the map is absolutely flawless , great job 6/5
3 weeks on the corner i dont even think its possible to forge that slow i can see that being an extremely long time to do that because of the shape of that corner but 3 weeks you must be like me work on a map for hours then take a day or two off i am downloading this although i am sad that there is no explosion. Did you try limiting the explosion to a minimum or an explosion that goes off every 20 30 seconds would be a good idea to
this is an amazing map it looks so detailed. im downloading it just because u said you spent 100+ hours on it. 100+!!!! you must be kidding me lol
are those man cannons the furnace er somthin i dont.get it and hammer hill sounds like a cool game varient good interlocking but clean up the map abit the roof is slanted but its not a bad map
Clean it up? this is the cleanest map I have ever made. The roof is supposed to be slanted. I wouldn't spend this long on the small features of a map to include a slanted roof. thanks!
very good interlocking, and yes, i noticed the geomerging with the wall, its very clean looking and looks very smooth. great map my friend!
This map is super kewl. The interlocking is fantastic and the layout is great. I saw the first version and the death teleporters might not look the part but they prevent lag so thats k. Excellent map.