HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The Roflolcopter go SAUCER! This is really creative, I hope to play it on next TGIF
I made a map with a similar effect. I made it with using the mancannons and a tower to take hills. This looks like a really good map.
this map is suckish nobody really even likes king of the hill anyway so why bother making a map that nobody will like
looks interesting ill dl from want i can see in the pic and from wat people are telling me it looks like a 4/5 but i could be mistaken it could be a 5/5
That's actually kind of a running theme in most of my maps. Keep an eye out for my upcoming stuff, "Spawnpoints Floating Over Standoff's Cliffs", "Timed Map Events That Eventually Trap You Inside Double Boxes", and a currently unnamed map that is literally nothing but a small room filled with exploding fusion coils.
Really great map the design of the saucers is really awesome, This map is a really cool one. Very Well Done! 5 out of 5