Yea, umm, I saw where some people had "Sig Shop" threads and I figured what the heck! Heres some of my work, if anyone wants a sig Just name a game, or movie. Something along those lines and the text you want on it and I will make it. These will be in MY style so don't ask me to do it a certain way. You can also give a CnC of my work if you want. Shaped sigs FTW! I would post more but I think that would be a bit excessive.
Yes, it is. I'm a die hard fan too, listening to them right now. Also, the url for the image says
Yeah muse nice work sorry for first post its that no one on hear speaks about music or if they do i can't find that section of the forum
It's ok. The first post could have been about something completely random, I wouldn't have cared. At least you were talking about the sig.
Thanks, Yea those two things were never my strong points, but this isn't my best work i didn't feel like searching the 32 pages to find those pieces. I might go look for them later so everyone can see those.
Character/Game- Al Capone (here) Color Scheme- black and white, old school. Possibly with a bold color (your choice) mixed in on a small part of the sig Name- Al Capwnage Quote-none...unless you have a good Al Capone quote. I couldn't really find any Size-medium Font- Crime Scene Afterimage Special Requests: A cool background might be the Chicago Skyline in the 1930's-with the focus on the skyline part of it. Perhaps a part of the sig where the sign you hold up in a police station after being arrested (see here) I tried to give you a bunch of ideas to let you run with one of them, hope that helps. I really like the sigs you've made, and I would prefer you made the sig a little less graphicy (yeah that made no sense) I would love a shaped sig. they are teh awesome. (and that's three sentences that started with I in a row. I might have second grade writing capabilities just yet) Thanks a lot.
Ok, I think I've got an idea of what you want. It should be done in about an hour if I don't fall asleep. Also, I am gonna try to find a higher quality picture of al capone if you don't mind. I can probably find that same one.
Yea, Al, I really have no clue what to do with this sig you want. I don't really know where to go with it. Sorry, but I can't do it. If you want something else besides Al Capone i could probably do it. But no portraits. Besides the only thing i could think of to do with the Capone one was like what you currently have in your signature. Just name a game, or movie and I'll get a render and have it done in a bit.
Mind making me a non-halo sig? =) I had an idea.. Name- Paranormal.... Slogan- "When Blood Runs cold..." (quotation marks included =P) and if you could have it kinda bloody.. Thanks A ton!
lol my roflcopter? ' pretty much xD... and bloody... not like a vampire..... did you know its actually kinda fun to ramble on.... thanks again...... lol
there you go, I tried to make it "Bloddy", but I didn't put quotation marks one the qoute cause you couldn't see them anyways.