This is my Third Map i have posted here on forgehub. Map/Gametype Description: The map i made is Called The Frozen Room, It is an Infection map made on Cold Storage. The only forge technique it uses is Timed Map Events. The map has 3 areas. The first is the Human Room. This is one of the main rooms in Cold Storage. It has been Blocked off from every door except the giant one. It has weapons and barriers for the humans to use to fend of the zombies. Then next area is The Zombie Room. It is on the opposite side of the Human room and is pretty empty. It has 2 Mancannons to launch the zombies into the Human Room and it has on Hallway not blocked off that leads to the Zombie Spawn Hall. The Final Area is the Zombie Spawn Hall. This is the hallway leading form the Zombie room that has the window in it. After a while the map starts to get darker and it makes it harder for the humans. Link to Map/Gametype: The map is the Frozen Room The Gametype that i use is Heat it Up Everyone Favorite Part Screenshots: Human Room at the Beginning: Human Room at 10 Seconds: Human Room at 30 Seconds: Human Room at 45 Seconds: Human Room at 60 Seconds: Human Room at 90 Seconds: Zombie Spawn Hall Inside: Lookin' Out the Zombie Window: Zombie Spawn Hall Outside: Zombie Room: Action Pictures: Here i Come: Cant See Me: Additional information: Thanks for looking at my map and remember The map is the Frozen Room The Gametype that i use is Heat it Up If this post is not up to Standards please let me know PS: Happy Bungie Day
Well, I mean its nice to see a map made on Cold Storage already, but it doesnt look very well made. Not bad though. One thing that drives me crazy is that there are two camo's on those catwalks... if somebody wanted to, they could grab both in 1 jump. 3.5/5
i have to say i dislike this map because it is way to campy. when i'm a human i like to move all over the place
But the room the Humans are in is actually pretty big for going against the zombies. Because there is only one zombie at start.
Looks very simple you may want to add more I know I am In my new map. Also It looks like the zombies will dominate the humans quickly even before its completely foggy.
Eyeless: Actually the zombies are fairly easy to kill so it takes a bit for them to get the Humans Master: Thanks for the 4.5
there are so many zombie maps where humans can just pick off zombies far too easily the best zombie maps are fun from both sides this however dosent appear to be balanced but its nice to see someone using cold storage
Well even if the zombies are weak the play space is so small it seems like spawn camping will be a problem. I recommend that if you make a version 2 that you try to use more of the level.
Its in a small area the humans can just go to the zombie s[awn and spawn camp. or I its the teleporter they come through then they will camp that.
Never mind then I must be seeing things. lol I'm still confused by chill out I must be thrown off by its layout.
Bad idea to make it get blurry. I HATE that, and this will cost you some downloads. Perhaps you can remove that one and extend the time on the other ones.
i agree that it is good to see a cold storage map out already judging from the pictures, 3.8/5 sry if this is a noobish question, but i saw that u had the different color schemes on the pictures like black and white or sepia.... i know that they came with the legendary map pack(yes?), but if u don't have that, can u still use those effects on cold storage?
yea those are on cold storage.. thats what i used.. and Radiant the Nova (Blurry) filter i put just to make it harder for the humans.. i will probably take it off in v2 though