thanks. i would be ecstatic if it ends up featured, but im sure theres a long list of worthy competitors. i also saw the resemblance to sewers. it was a pretty awesome map. thanks man, i appreciate the fact that you took that much time to explain how much you love it.
thanks for your apreciation of my thoroughness and just htought id inform you that on the DL version of the map one of the walls on the top barrier is crooked .so yeah might want to fix that
I must say, from a design standpoint, this map is outstanding. Each section of this map has its strengths and weaknesses, and there is enough cover everywhere to get a player by. The geometry is beautiful. The wall portion by the hammer is one of my favorite sections of the map. Its a very small detail, but it really shows your commitment to this map. The stairs as supports is another great feature of this map. It provides cover and adds a great aesthetic touch. Your geo-merging is wonderful as well. Not many people take the time to merge a fence wall into the ground, but its what makes the difference between a great map and an amazing map. My only concern is the lack of respawn areas in the map. While playing, I found the spawns to be a tad predictable which can lead to problems during a game. If you developed a good working spawn system in the map, it would definitely be in my top 5 favorite maps to play on. If you decide to add spawn areas to the map and come across any problems, let me know and I can help you out.
there are spawn ares on the map. i think the problem is that its a somewhat small map in the first place. there arent alot of offshoots to spawn away from combat. we did our best with it, i think its just an overall flaw in the design. thanks for giving me a full on review though, its awesome.
Hmmm, I'm going to play around with the spawn areas on the map and see if I can improve anything. I'll get back to you after I've played around.
okie dokie, if you can improve it, be my guest, cause thats the only thing anyone has disapproved of and i dont want it to ruin the map.
looks really good man. the map is really chean and deserves downloads. The map is also very well balanced there is not to much stuff and not to little. 4.6/5 very good
thats awesome! if it has anything to do with the fencewalls though, Blaze did that. regardless, where may i see this vid?
right here my friend
well, hold the praise... i gotta resolve a spawning issue :'( Drawtheline is working with me to get the best possible spawning system we can. Additionally, im patching a hole above the regen spawn. so 4.0 should be out tomorrow. that one SHOULD be the end all for this map.
Hey guys, I'm sure that you want people to re-download 4.0, but before a mod or someone comes across this, you have to keep your map thread title to that of the name of the map...just keep a bold note in the op, and make one of your newer posts "ZOMG FOUR POINT OH BISHES" or something <3
Yeah, that spawn issue is like a thorn in the behind. But I'm sure you two will be able to remove that thorn. (I sure hope so) ~Having Pearlkill spawn next to me three times in a row in the SAME spot was kind of a pain, and if that happen in actual game play it'd be even worse. So I really do hope something can be worked out.