Map Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Birdcage is a fastpaced VIP sniper mania map. there are four teams and works well with two people per team. The VIP has no health and one shot kills. It's played first team to twenty kills and the VIP is pink. When I tested this map with a random group of people from my recent friends, everyone commented on how fast it was and that it was nonstop fun because your constantly in the game. Also the spawn time is only 3 seconds which helps eliminate spawn killing. Weapons --------- Unlimited snipe ammo and 1 active camo per team. Story ----- People in the future are cyborgs n kill each other for fun? Screens -------- Overview Action Yup Didnt even edit or filter this Saved By the invisibility Cloak Yup Yup Won it for my team Game ova
Hey that actually looks pretty good...a nice fast-paced sniper game. I think I'll DL it. BTW you should try improving a little on your me, it'll make people listen to you more often. Even though my grammar falters a lot....
I like the idea. Its simple, yet refined. I did, right offhand see one major flaw. Whos to stop from spawn killing?
yeh i'm gonna dl this. it looks like a good map to practice your sniping while having fun with your friends. definitely a dl from me.
looks really fun and i love when people now use blackout as a totally different map. One sugestion, it may seem like the team is only going to shoot the team directly acros from them (if it was 2v2v2v2). What about the team below or above you?
Idk what duckhunt is. I saw it got featured but I never dled it or played it, so I'm sorry ifI stole his idea in anyway. To answer some other questions the gameplay is way to fastpaced for spawn killing. People are constantly shooting but you have people at two different levels that can shoot each other. The game I played on it was like 7-8 minutes so its about an average ammount of time. The people below you cant kill you and you can't kil them. And for the one person who said thatthey can't snipe so they wont dl, thats fine I can't force anyone to dl my map beccausse if I could everyone here would have dled it by now. Howeverthismap really does help your sniping skills. And thanks for all the great feedback.
You should place respawn areas (not literal respawn areas), where at the back of each level / side, you can spawn, then safely grasp your livelihood, then move forward (there'd be a wall blocking you from the shooters) then you'd be forced out of the area by a gravlift/mancannon, and you wouldn't be able to run back into the cover, that'd be pretty efficient for this map imo. Great map btw, looks really well laid out.
looks like a very fun and fast paced sniper map. however, i would add maybe one small barrier as cover for spawning per floor. but other than that, its great. 4.8/5
thanks for the suggestion. I could definantly see a version two inthe future with that idea put in place. I'm working on an Ivory Tower remake right now, but if I get a chance I'll do that and give youcredit for the idea.
lol, thanks, I appreciate any credit =] just a little *Thanks to Tex for the idea Would be sufficient ;-P
lol "Story - People in the future like to kill each other for fun" classic =) But I like how the invis on each side serve as either a barrier or a powerup to help your team eliminate the other team. It's simple yet clean, and I don't know how all these people make these evenly because there isn't an invisible floor to stop objects is there? Do you just save/quit or what. Anyways, it's nice overall, but it isn't that unique, but at least you did something else different with the powerups.
What you do is spawn a double box put it really close to the bottom then save and quit. Then since the double box spawns evenly you canputa bridge on it and the bridge will be even. You can either keep repeating that process or if you have a second person they can just hold the box for you and tyhen move it once your bridge is in place. If you go to my space colony map the lower level is completely flat so you can just delete every object off it and use it as a canvas.