(Sticky) All Money Glitched Maps

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Maps' started by kookmasteraj, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    If you're using the old glitch, then you won't be able to spawn all of that item, or you're using the new glitch, then it won't matter.

    Also, all of my maps, and all of dyer13's maps, have the new glitch.
  2. T3333333ABAGGER

    T3333333ABAGGER Ancient
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    How about getting around itme limits?

    Has anyone figured out how to get around item limits??
  3. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    I have an issue on the Foundry glitched one.

    I really skrewed up on the whole deleting items thing, and it was fine for a while (I could create essential items just fine), but then I restarted the game after a save and quit and all of a sudden I couldnt create any Equipment, except flares.

    Point is, I need an Overshield to complete my map. Literally, I think thats it. I already have the one from the Unlimited Budget area, and I need one more. I tried setting the run time maximum to one more than was on the map, but I cant do it.

    Can someone please help? Im at a complete loss, and if I revert back to an older version, I'll have to rebuild at least half of my map.
  4. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Kellen send me a friend request, I'll fix it for you.
  5. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    Okay, I DLed the FMGC and I didn't get unlimited money, and now I am stuck with a map with now weapons and only $100.
  6. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Did you try spawning items?
  7. toymachine

    toymachine Ancient

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    Nice job man dl
  8. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    alright i'm going to ask someone to mg this map.

    its on foundry canvas but with a twist of sorts i've never seen before.
    its probably a mod or something but it has a wall blocking the back bases and tunnel from the big open area. Its highly useful and i would like to see a infinite money canvas be done with it because i deleted all objectives and whatnot.

    heres the map.
    Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    possibly message me when its done. thanx
  9. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Forgehub does not allow mods on the the site, please remove it.
  10. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    This is really useful and it's great that everything is in one spot.

    About Foundry though, I have heard about an unlimited budget map where everything is outside the map and was wondering where to actually find this
  11. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    On that one it's really hard to get the items back in the map. REALLY HARD.
  12. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    o sry about that.
  13. RC Master

    RC Master Ancient
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    Wait, you do realise my Ghost Town MGC doesn't have filters on either right? It just seems odd to say the other one doesn't, when mine doesn't either.

    Anywho, anyone up for a Cold Storage MGC? I'll do one, coming Monday 7th.
  14. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    I will be doing mine, and that will be one of the ones up there.
  15. RC Master

    RC Master Ancient
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    Cold Storage MGC done.

    Just compiling the post, uploading images, and you'll see it.

    Cold Storage Money Glitch Canvas
    BY Ultimate RC/ RCMaster

    To get the maximum out of your Free Cold Storage map this Bungie Day, and in the future, you'll need this variant.


    NOTE: There are no FXs spawned on this map. You will not be blinded!
    All normal spawn points have been removed (except 1 for convenience).
    All starting points for all gametypes have been removed.
    All spawn areas for all gametypes have been removed.
    All weapons have been removed and hidden away.
    All equipment has been removed and hidden away.
    All Items have been removed and hidden away.
    All Vehicles have been spawned and hidden away.

    Objective spawns (flag, bomb etc.) have been moved to small platforms behind the Monitor in the main room.
    Only the barest essentials of Objective spawns have been kept.
    You must move the objective spawns before using your map on anything other than slayer.
    All items, vehicles, teleporters and weapons needed for the Money Glitch to work are hidden in the rafters of the "Flood Tank" room. You spawn there.

    Images and descriptions:

    Now this may not be the first of its kind, but it certainly has more thought and preparation put into it than those other canvas / money glitch maps of Cold Storage that have been released in the last few hours.

    For example, all of the items required to make the money glitch work, are hidden nicely out of reach of the bounds of normal gameplay. But can be easily reached in Forge mode.

    Spawn Point

    [​IMG]You spawn here, in the "Flood Tank" room. This is where all the items spawn. The weapons can be reached easily by going through that teleporter in the rafters.

    Going through the teleporter will bring you here, directly above the tube where the Tank Form is. This area is blocked off with the energy blockers.

    More guns!
    To the left of coming out of the teleporter, are all the other guns, and turrets.

    To the right and above of the teleporter, are the only two vehicles available on this map: A Ghost, and a Mongoose. This is not the ideal place to use them.

    The rest of it.
    All the rest of the scenery items, equipment and grenades are here. Above the bridge in the Flood Tank room. Simply fly through the gap near the teleporters in the rafters to get in.

    Flags, Oddballs, keys to super weapons.
    All of the objective markers have been moved to these small ridges high in the wall behind the Monitor in the main room. Easily accessible in Forge, make sure to move them before you release you map!

    Notes on use:
    The items are placed out of reach on purpose. This is so you can fly around the map, create whatever you want to create, without having to worry about other items getting in the way until you're ready to release your map.

    Always keep a copy of your custom map with all the original money glitch items in place. In case you ever want to update it in the future and use an item you didn't before.

    If you find any problems (I don't expect there to be any) send me a message and I will try to resolve it.

    Have fun with Cold Storage, and happy Forging!
    #95 RC Master, Jul 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  16. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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  17. RC Master

    RC Master Ancient
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    Look up ^

    I did say a few days in advance I was going to do one....
  18. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh well i didnt know
  19. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    but i don't think you should've used objects to hold weapons and equipment them up, its just harder to use them withouth having 15 weapons falling down or equipment.
  20. RC Master

    RC Master Ancient
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    Well obviously don't use those particular ones until you absolutely need them.

    You can quite easily go put the weapons somewhere else if you don't like them there.

    Of course, if you can suggest a better place to put all the weapons, out of reach, but still accessible in forge, I'd be happy to edit the map.

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