in my opinion yes.. its fun for a few time just b/c i was distacted by the looks and a few over kills... but the gameplay i think sucked. and the weopen set altho the power weapons arent to much of a problem. and ost of all, no forge items... :'( ya you guys got me with the whole free thing.. i didnt say it wasnt worth dling.. i was saying basicly that forgehub could so ALOT better with weapons/spawns and forging. the map is sexi tho. :-D its absolutly gorgeously constructed. and btw please dont give me bad rep b/c i am stating MY opinion if its not what you like just descus why. thank you. i ***** too much. what do you guys think?
I liked it, and no, it's not just because i owned a ten man party in FFA, but because it just has this awesome aura around it...
I liked the original Chill Out, even though I never owned the first halo. It was a fun map to play at friends houses, just so simplistic, and awesome. I also beat my friends 42 to 20 (3 on 1) until they quit the game. This map, idk, its been ages, doesn't feel the same. But I still think it is fun, but at the same time bland. 8 people party is too large imo. As for forge, eck, for the hell of it I will try something, chances are I will fail. It could have had potential if they allowed more objects, especially with a $500 on a map that size...
Objective games fail. And Assault is just retarded. When you can grab the bomb and plant it withing three seconds, there is something wrong.
I really hope someone better then me at breaking death barriers can get us into the large flood filled area. I can see that being the new blue room and a place for some epic mini games.
cold storage is not a genuine h3 map. it it is really small, really simple and doesn't look good. yes, it's free, but i still i expected better
I tried for like 2 hours, it failed. I can't wait for modders to get their hands on this. And I lurv the map, though I will probably make a forged version that caters to objective more. Have you played Halo CE?
i didn't mean if it was a halo 3 themed map or if it was derived from halo CE at all. i meant it is far below in quality than the other h3 mpas it doesn't seem like a real h3 map
I love it, but what I really want is to get pat the death barriers and into the flood area, looks like a great place to mess about in and to try to kill those little infection forms that run about every so often.
I'll give 100 dollars to whoever builds a good map on this level. Come on Bungie, theres like 10 objects in the map!
Wow, why do people always complain. Any intelligent person would know that a Halo CE remake will be different becuase of Halo 3's gameplay. It is a good map, wow, your just a retard to complain. Similar idea with Blackout. You people sure as hell couldn't make a better map.
There will always be a group of people that complain or disagree to anything. Always. As for the map, its not the best. But its a map and I like the fact that its free. You never know, a good map can come from it.
pardon my french, but... It's ****ing free. -blam!- FREE. You didn't spend your money on it, therefore, you can't -blam!- complain. It would be like if you -blam!- went to a baseball game and won a free t-shirt, then bitched about because It's not the right color. Seriously, I've noticed that all some of the most Hardcore Halo communities do is -blam!- ***** about a game they have wasted enough time in to earn a Katana. -blam!- complaining just pisses me the -blam!- off. People ***** about the BR, AR, Weapons, and FREE -blam!- MAPS. If everyone who bitches about the game would just quit, it would be a better place, free from 12 year old halo 2 kings who suck at halo 3, the vastly superior game.
i agree with u this place sucks in oddball its who can get to the sniper spawn room. Slayer is just meet in the middle with shotgun. there anrt many forge oppurtunities either unless there is some open space outside the map
The center area is fairly long and open, maybe something could be forged there. And the item selection isn't bad either, lots of walls. Best part of the map are the blue teleporters though, the blue is so much nicer looking than the green, I don't feel that inexplicable urge to shove these teleportors inside a box.