Zombie VS. HQSpartans Never Die/After the flood incident a couple weeks ago bungie disided to buff up the home security.The begining. 4-12 players. Hold things out for as long as you can soldier. Download Map Download Gametype Description: This map will be very modern to most you people out there on the account that i did not use the money glitch and its one of my first maps made theres no hidden weapons or hiding places on this map. Also this is 1 of a long series that I'm making and will be posting the whole series all to gether in a zombie map pack after the new maps come out so i can complete the series. so please enjoy. HQ Made in world war two as a strong hold in the mountains the Bunker With A slight modification Reinforced With some supplies around the base the soldiers attempted to block all entry points defenses They also set up barricades with hilly explosive charges to slow the enemie down Zombie spawn the Zombies spawn down there Weapon Room Weapons are actually stored all over the map but i like calling this room the weapon room Med Bay Were the injured fear to come reinforced door Do to a malfunction to the gate when the soldiers arrived the door was stuck open so they put up a barricade wall Sniper nest were the shots never stop coming Human spawn in all actuality you spawn all over the base garage Were you can bring up the big guns Communication room Were you can call for help or listen to music wile you sit around and you let your friends die... P.S. I now that my spelling isnt that good please dont comment on it and have fun.
I like this, a cool and new infection map. The map looks very appealing thanks to the money glitch. And if the humans don't have too many weapons it looks like it would play well. I very much like the reinforced bunker and wall. If your other infection maps are as good as this one keep them comin'! btw FIRST POST EVER!!!!!
Finally a map out of foundry, it seems way to campy, if I was a zombie playing this I would quit right away and that's not good. Infection should not be frustrating it should be fun.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- The game varient solves that the alpha is almost invinsible so that solves that giving the alpha more of a chance.
5/5 Simply for being on a Non-DLC map. The layout isnt that original but you don't have much to work with. It looks really fun.
pretty nice! Finally a map that's not on foundry yeah even though this has been done like 25 times before this one looks pretty nice. it reminds me of old school infection on like sand trap or somthing. great job 4/5 *'s