Ambulate By CPV18 Ambulate: to move around. Description: Ambulate is a map inspired by Longest from Halo:CE. It is not quite the same though. There is one main hallway with two sniper outposts on each side. In the center is a shotgun that you must jump for. On both sides of the wall are little cubby holes that connect to each other to give optional ways to the other side. This map is meant for long range BR and sniper battles but can also give payers that can’t BR an advantage with shotty and plasma rifles. Forging 101: Unlimited Budget Floating Objects Interlocking Supported Game-types: Team Slayer Territories Recommended Players:2-8 Weapons: 2 x Sniper – 90 Seconds 2 x Plasma Rifles – 30 Seconds 4 x Carbine – 20 & 30 Seconds 4 x Battle Rifle – 20 & 30 Seconds 1 x Shotgun – 120 Seconds Grenades and Equipment 6 x Plasma – 20 Seconds 2 x Bubble Shield – 90 Seconds Pictures: **Check out Slideshow for more pictures. Download Ambulate My BlogSpot ^Contains all of my maps^
i agree. this is probably one of the neatest maps i've ever seen and it looks really fun. i like close quarter, narrow maps and this one is exactly that. qued to d/l
looks fun and well made. nice, clean merging and layout. it looks a bit small however and i think that longest was bigger than this. I would have also liked some picture descriptions too. Good job though 9/10
i thoguth that the double boxes were ment to look like legs lol i love the map it is very well made and you have posted it well as well good on you my freind 9/10
Which picture is the window panel stair case? Am I missing something because I don't see it. Overall the map looks good, lots of merging.
you never disapoint me with your maps! Great work like usual... you alwasy have great ideas for maps... im gunna send you a friend request so i can see any more maps your creating or created... 4/5 ! Amazing Work! Peace!
a small complaint i have after testing out this map. a bridge on B base spawns later when i dont think its supposed to. the bridge on the other side spawns at the beginning so that might be a problem
LOL very clean, very playable, which most clean maps focus on only the clean part, but this looks playable, with the bridge ledges, and the dumpster stairs, I really like this, but bungie dam you for the 100 limit!!~!
Awesome job. I never played Longest, but this map looks cool. The central hallway looks very appealing.
*phew* i actually got to the bottom of the thread anyway on to the map. looks like it is a great map to play with lots of places where there are long sight lines, but also a place where someone gets to be a happy camper (not a bad thing, thats one of my forte's). i have to give this 5/5 i don't see anything wrong with it.
This picture made me download. It looks very original. Also, I liked Longest. Although, personally, I think Elongation was better.
I am very confused. I do not believe I put a 'window panel' staircase in my map. Please clarify what I am missing about my own map.
looks small but really good, thers some good features, i like the middle and thers allot of cover, looks well done and very fun, good job