Hey, everybody, happy 4th of July! I know it's already happened, but thanks to the stupidness of my file share, which I accessed RIGHT before I left for Michigan, which is where I still am until Monday, it did not upload the film clip I was trying to put on there to show everyone. It is a surprise, but its about Halo 3 and about 4th of July, and I'm not giving it away, but hopefully you guys can watch it for me when I post it on Monday or Tuesday? Please say so if you will, don't say no. BTW, since my computer is poop, I'm only going to be able to advertise it as a Film Clip accessed only by downloading it. I really hope thats okay. It's eight minutes long, and has a cool ending. Please watch it hen I finally post it, and sorry for the inconvienence. ;D
Gay I think has developed the same status as retarded, it's just a word. No one means disrespect to the homosexual community when they say it (well most people I believe), but they just use it out of context because it's well known that way.
Your taking a ticket on stupid train. Destination: unknown. I'd rather not argue about the intricate workings of the way the definition of the word 'gay' has evolved. It's difficult to explain to words to people who have it firmly grounded that it is okay to say. And besides the point, it's off topic. Get back to the point of this video.
I don't use 'gay' as an insult, I agree that it has evolved poorly. I, along with my family, are huge gay rights supporters. I just think Bnasty is a ****
Well done people youv effectively ruined the content of this thread...bravo. No one should THAT tetchy about a word that originally meant happy,when the user clearly had no malicious intent.In fact its people complaining that the word is offensive that give it its impact. Just relax people,this is a halo community site not an ethics commity Ill download yur vid once you link it skittles but there are two italians students currently using my sexbox so it could be awhile before i actually watch it Ill go ahead and edit this once i actually watch it. Hope its good ;P
bnasty why are you such an ass to ever newer person on this site. Just because your well known and have alot of posts doesnt mean you can be a ***** to everyone.