I took this picture while I was looking for the word "Jedwali" because the guy who made the featured map here on ForgeHub "Jedwali" said he found the name on a Foundry wall. So here is a picture. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Would've been a bit funnier if there wasn't smoke underneath his arm from the grenade, still good pic.
What is he doing, giving off BO? lol The pose looks more like he's about to give the Heil Hitler salute or something. lol
wow looks really good, i never noticed that sign before, im so going to check it out!, nice screenshot but i think it would b better without the smoke
Yah same here. I dont think anyone would've really noticed/cared about this if it wasnt for the map. BTW nicely staged pic. 5/5. Now, one question: Whats the starting salary?
Oh by the way, I should have taken it without the smoke somehow, it does give it away (he threw a grenade). Thanks for the advice.