VOTING Welcome to the "not so glamorous" side of SOTW (The ugly half cousin), brought to you by your beloved Reynbow. That's right, this is a complete rip-off of Mallets SOTW =D So for this one version, as like the original SOTW, you will have one week [Friday - Thursday (Australian Time)] to submit your signature. These will then be put onto a public voting poll between Friday and Sunday. Just like Mallet's SOTW the prizes are slim to non =] But seeing how I'm such a nice guy I'll make a signature for whoever wins. I'm sure there are people around here who can do a better job at making sigs but hey =] As Mallet likes to say; The most important prize however is the joy of competing with your fellow hubbers and that warm damp feeling of crushing them in victory, I'm sure you'll agree. So right now you may be asking yourself, what's so different about this version of SOTW? Well, as some people may have noticed, I am quite the critique when it comes to the submissions in SOTW. So I figured why not mock myself and ask for people to make the most hideous sigs imaginable. Post the most horrible design you can think of. I'm talking stuff like black and white bathroom floor tiles and green outdoor paint for houses. Stuff that makes you scream "BURN IT!! BURN IT!!!". Mallet's Rules Apply: Signatures must follow all forum rules. This includes those against nudity and pornography. Signatures may not be larger than 500 x 200 pixels. Vertical signatures are allowed and are exempt from the size rule above You may edit or change your entry any time before the deadline. Once the voting thread is posted however, you are stuck with it. So get to it! Make something so horrible that would get you a fail in Pre-School.