Debate Religous Problems with Video Games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Darkdragon, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    I'm definently not an atheist and I hate to say this, but religion is the main problem and reason for helping in this world. Without it, people wouldn't be inspired, but also wouldn't be as accusing. Pretty much what I'm saying is, the world would be dull without it, even though it is so easily abused. I think the reason for this is that there's no need for logic, whatever you say goes because it's your "religion".
  2. Rofl Copter

    Rofl Copter Ancient
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    i think there should only be fighting and no religion in video games
  3. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    I kinda see what you mean. But then, people would still find a reason to complain, you know?
  4. Rofl Copter

    Rofl Copter Ancient
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    ya thats true...
  5. Big Boswell

    Big Boswell Ancient
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    I'm just curious, how is you telling me, a "religion nut", to keep my opinions to myself any different from me sharing my beliefs with someone?

    To me, it sounds like a majority of the posters in this thread are forcing their opinion on me, the exact thing they wish me to do. How does that work?
  6. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    were not forcing it on you, but i think of people that when people say that this game is bad cause they see somthing that even in a tiny way isnt hard-core bible they decide its inapropreite, and did you just join FH to post that? give us a reason people like you arent nuts
  7. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    Not entirely. They also claimed that it promoted violence, occult themes, and gambling. It was even banned in Saudi Arabia for promoting Zionism. It just goes to show you that people can no matter what, there are people who are determined to find reasons to be offended by virtually anything.
    #27 attacaine, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  8. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    yeah, halve of those people are probly noobs who got to frustraded with the game and wanted to destroy the franchise, and whered the nut go?well, at least my poat got somone to join,
    and we are only forcing the opinion thatpeople should have their own opinions on people
  9. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Yeah, I'm religious but I don't go overboard and try and get people in trouble from it. That's not what religious people do! If you want to stand up for your beliefs, do it, but don't bash the people who don't have the same religion as you.

    -Why would you join forgehub just to disagree with us?
  10. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    idont know but he did, that was his only post (maybe hes part of an group focused on finding stuff like this and going against them?) hey, could some people find links to those waste-of-virtual-spacwe rants
  11. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i've used the mythology of zelda in a religious debate with my girlfriend once. i explained zelda's form of creationism to show that even nintendo can make a religion. To get back to the topic, nintendo's pokemon does more to get christians all steamed than just the evolving(which is wrong i guess) but the more recent pokemon games basically make up their own religion. As i played i thought "christian's will probably get pissed about this..."

    honestly who cares. let the christian people be ridiculous, complain, and whine about pointless ****, they're only wasting their time with it.
    kayaman132 likes this.
  12. Big Boswell

    Big Boswell Ancient
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    Why did I join to make that post? Simple, I wanted to defend myself. I'm browsing through maps one day and decide to browse the section of the forums that aren't maps.
    Boy, wasn't I surprised when I found 3 pages of hate towards Christians for no apparent reason. What's more? The reasoning behind it is terribly flawed. Such an incredible double standard.
    So, I prove my point, well actually you do. You stereotype me, judge me, and belittle me because I am indeed a follower of Christ. It is kind of cool how I'm trolled for what I believe. Awesomesauce.
    But hey, keep the closed-minded comments and hatred flowing my way. It's the "cool" thing to do.

    And to clear things up:
    I am not part of a group that tries to find such blatant slander such as this. Just a normal browser who is denied his right to speak.
    I don't hate those who do not believe in Christ. I just don't like that you deny Him.
    But I can't stand when you degrade Him. And will stand up against that no matter the cost.
  13. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
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    I'm a Christian and my dad's a priest and I'm allowed to read Harry Potter. And besides, just because it says the word "witchcraft" people go crazy but, most of the church doesn't and if you look hard enough, you can find refernces to Christianity in it. My dad even plays XBox Live. I'm also allowed to play alot of M games too. Personally, I don't know why people go crazy over words or what people do in a fictious or fiction-ish world. And I'm pretty sure only a handful of Christians believe that pokemon crap.
    #33 jedi eli, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  14. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I read a book that would probably come under SO MUCH FIRE of these religious nuts for it being all demonic and what not, but the funny part is, almost the ENTIRE book is a reference to parts of the bible. Like, almost everything that happens is a reference. Sometimes these people dont look deep enough.

    And they also say about the wicthcraft, but isnt dumbledore always preaching about love and such? why dont they like that message?
  15. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    ya im ucc which is a combonation of evangelical and something else (the story kinda put me to sleep).At my church i am probably the biggest video game person there, but ya i have not been called a santanist or anything. Most people have read the harry potter books at my church
  16. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Okay, Big Boswell, I'm a very praticed Christian. You can babble on abot how we're Christian haters as much as you want, but I'm a ****ing Christian! You're not supposed to believe Pokemon, that's why it's a game. But lunatics like you think you're supposed to look into everything and live in it. Well, Pokemon's a GAME. Just like Harry Potter, it' a STORY. Maybe you think it's witchcraft nd magic and satan's work because they talk about defeating Satan, and love, and maybe you kind of people hate love. That's what the preach about in Harry Potter. Oh, I definently hate Christians. HAVE YOU ACTUALLY READ THIS THREAD, YOU IDIOT???? It doesn't say aything against Christians (no ****, I am one), just talking about not understanding the logic behind some of them (cough cough, YOU).

    Anyway, if you're so against this, why do you play Halo? I think I've made my point. Flame me as much as you want, I'm tired of people like you who type before you read.
    #36 Norbert220, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  17. My Local Sniper

    My Local Sniper Ancient
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    Not long ago they took a very popular, good and long-awaited 1st person shooter game off the shelves due to a mission being set in a cathedral of some sort. I'm not sure if anyone knows what I'm talking about, but all bought and made copies of that game were confiscated.

    I do think it's unfair to Christians, mostly catholic, when someone does something against their religion without asking. It's like taking a Halo 3 disc off your mate and snapping it.

    I also think that un-religious people like myself respect and notice that other people have beliefs, however crazy or stupid they may be. People can become seriously mentally crippled if you screw up with their heads. Ever told a computer nerd that call of duty 4 sucked? They break up into a sweat and start sucking their thumb. Plus we are the minority so theres gonna be more than half the worlds minds screwed up if stuff like that happened.

    Plus every single government on earth respects the Pope and I think that in order to keep balance, we should all respect him. Not worship, but in a sort of I-don't-mind-you kind of way. That's just my view on it.
  18. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    i'm christian and no one in my church is against those type of things. it's just some of those extremists who are crazy enough to try and eradicate these type of things. like somebody above me said, they're just games and stories, but you can't go judging a whole religion just because of some extremists.
  19. Big Boswell

    Big Boswell Ancient
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    Right, and don't get me wrong.
    I'm not arguing that getting upset over stories and video games is stupid.
    I've not once defended that.

    I'm just trying to clear up some things with everyone who has been pooping on Christianity in this thread.
    People like that dragon guy and such.
    I can respect people like A Local Sniper. I just don't care for all of the hate being thrown my way, 'tis all.
  20. Heatwizard

    Heatwizard Ancient
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    The problem doesn't lie in Christianity. Christianity is mainly about peace, it has a "Don't be an asshole and things will work out" mentality. I respect that, and anyone who actually follows it.

    It's the people that misuse that message, that try to force their opinion on others in the name of Christianity that drag it's name through the mud for their own purposes. The assholes Christianity warns you not to be, ironically.

    Don't hate Christians. Hate assholes. :D

    To be clear, atheist myself.
    Annnnnnd discuss.

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