Hey everyone as you may know v1 of this wasnt that great. But v2 is totally 10 times better. It has everything everyone asked for and more. It has all MLG standers. It has slayer, king of the hill, and CTF. It is really fun to play with friends, its great for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and etc. So enough of my talking here are some pictures of the new and improved MLG Redirect v2. Pictures: Overview 1: Sniper spawn and other part of top: Rocket spawn and lift up to top level: Lift to sniper tower: Middle area: Under and around sniper tower: Mauler spawn: Defenders base flag in the corner: Defender spawn inside base: Attacker base flag in the corner: Attacker spawn inside base: Other area where there is cover: Map download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing If you have comments leave them here. If you have suggestions or tips leave them here. Thank you! If you want to look at v1 of this here is the link to the forum: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/17755-mlg-redirect.html
thia seems like a nice map, it has some fresh fun new ideas i mit actually give this one a dl later i havent been dl'ing many foundry maps cuz i have too many.
Thanks guys for the comments...Im glad none of its bad so far. Oh and if you guys didnt know from v1 of this this is my 2nd MLG map I made. V1 was the first.
The center structure looks nice, but some of the areas (especially around mauler spawn) look really wide open. I sorta hate MLG though, so no DL. I would love a version with real weapon sets and equiptment
or, I could be lazy and make you change it jk I'll DL EDIT: map has excellent gameplay. very good. You have nailed the MLG spirit whilst using some uniqueness. 4.5/5. good show
its definatlely better than V1 so i will download this one and see what the gameplay is like and ill report back later
For one MLG stands for Major League Gaming. And a MLG map is a map made for MLG standers. Like there can only be br's, carbines, maulers, snipers, and rockets. No equipment and only frag and plasma grenades. And no moveable objects.
looks much better i'm glad you improved it cuz its a great map I like how everything is cleaned up and better interlocked. this map definately is 10 times better than the original. 8.9/10
Thank you for the comment and I put a lot more effert into this map then the first. This maps spawn points are better placed also and the weapons are equally spread out so you dont get an over power of just one weapon.
This looks like it would be really good for MLG and just for playing with friends. I give it a 5/5. It looks a lot better then the first one.
To be honest I think that this map would make just a really awsome slayer map without MLG. Just change the weapons and i think it would still work great.
TWO things i would improve are the mauler spawn first of all, too simple, maybe use window panes or some crap, and also, make a SECOND version, and get some brute shots, and some other power weps.
I like it but i dont really like MLG maps. They are to common and boring for me. But otherwise very nice map 4/5.
For one the only power weapons in MLG is the sniper and the rockets. Brute shot is not a MLG weapon. And i dont care if the mauler spawn looks to simple its suppose to be able to walk on it and go under it. Its not suppose to have all fancy little things. Its MLG not decorate my Fing map.