Tex, who really knows him? A story inspired by linubidix and BLAZE814 Hello there forgehub, you probably have seen me around every now and again, and I may or may not have befriended you. One way or the other, I'm taking this moment to let each of you know a little more about me. I believe honesty is in order, so albeit I'll provide it. I once was a noob of forgehub, amongst the noobs of forgehub. I joined later then some, and so I didn't gain instant "popularity" if you will... For example I started some pretty stupid threads... Though, eventually I learned how to post something a little more properly, and with a little more sense... For example...P.S...The Debate Forums are fun. Now, aside from my form(s) of posting there is still much to know about me, SO ON WITH THE INTRO! As most of you should know, I'm a forger, as many of forgehub's members are. Some of you don't know, but by now, a lot of you do, I forge with a parter (or forgemate if you will, some of you may remember my recent sig) Shad0w Viper. We are The ABCrew, though this is not the place for that discussion. I've recently compiled a Gallery of Signatures, if you will...Some are simple, the one I'm currently using is by this artist. Personally, my favorite in the gallery, is this one: I've also been working on a few video's that I've uploaded to youtube...Some of you may have seen some of my films, but anyways, here is my channel on: On my youtube channel, you'll also be able to see some of the music I listen to...(Or for those who would like to just stick around this page...Coldplay, Radiohead, The Beatles, Zeppelin, etc...) So if you're wondering what I look like, then here you are... Ya, that's me...I have more pictures, but they are horrid... I live in a crap-town called Rockford, located in the great state of Illinois...-_-...Really, it's great...You don't believe me? Try living out here for at least 5 years...You'll really know how amazing it is...-_- P.S. Rockford Blows. But ya, I'm 19 years old, I live with my parents, work construction for a living. Lastly, I am obsessed with computers/graphics/www.forgehub.com. So now you know me...Please don't come to my house and beat me up =[
Hello and welcome to forgehub! Be sure to follow the rules, and we'll accept you accordingly. Enjoy your time at forgehub, and don't spam!
O hai. Welcome to ForgeHub. Before you go off posting maps and such, please read the rules and guidelines for doing so found Here. Damn You!!!!!
Wouldn't these comments dictate spam though? hmm...I think I should read these rules though, they seem important...-_-
I think he was trying to look like the kid in his sig. Except he needs to give himself some black eyes.
Hey welcome to forgehub.To see some cool map check out the map section.To learn how to post read how to post your map by Kapura.Hope you enjoy your stay and make some really cool maps =).
Because I really wanted to know what you looked like. How old is this thread? Also, is it me, or is it kind of funny that all the non-senior members are saying "hi, welcome to forgehub, we hope you enjoy your stay". Seriously, who is the 'we' backing this comment??? Back to the topic. I don't want to say 'hi, welcome' because you have been here longer than me. I suppose I'll just, you know... respond to the thread title.
Note the caption "IF you wanted to know what I looked like" I just made it today... I don't really prefer the over-used joke either but... This was unnecessary. rofl, that was rather appropriate though ^_^
ORLY? YOU LOOK LIKE A LION. HOLY CRAP, KIDS ITS A LION GET IN THE CAR!!!!!!!! Well, Tex, you have become a growing community member, like myself, and I am glad to see you have an awesome intro (except the disgusting pic of the kid you raped last night staring at me with his glasses of phailsauce). I have seen you here and there, and am glad to say : HOLY CRAP ITS A F***ING LION, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well hello, um Tex, is it? Welcome to forgehub, Tex. I was looking forward to this, damn you, your introduction was better than mine.