Inmovable Objects Moving On Their Own

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plyc, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    I am currently making a map, but everytime I line up a bunch of bridges neatly, they always end up crooked and slanted AND not as they were before I saved the game and quit.

    Is there any way to rectify this? I've been stuck making a 3 bridge platform for hours already cause they keep moving out of place every time I save, quit and start again.
  2. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I have no idea, could be lag?

    Try playing on local if your not already

  3. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    Ok, I guess I'll try that. Does it make a difference? I always forge while I'm signed in to XBL since it always auto signs me in.
  4. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I have that same problem dude...I'm gonna have to try what Teh Mastar said. Sounds like that would be helpful.
  5. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    There was recently a very pouular thread about someone who had the same problem but with boxes. Try searching for 'What the hell really annoying glitch', I think that that is what it was called.
    By the way, forging on local will not fix it, it has nothing to do with it, I'm sorry.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Don't play on Xbox live. Switch it over to Local.
  7. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    You are sure it helps? Cause Sniper Stealth said it didn't. Anyway, what's it got to do with live?
  8. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    You are not the primary connection host, thus what you see is not actually how everything is. Disconnect from XBL, and boot anyone that you have in the party with you. It is stunning how wrong your view can be. In other words, the connection host is always right, but you are not connection host. It is lag.
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Switching to local actually does not help, I've tested this personally on many occasions...

    So you're saying even in local, I don't have connection host? zomg, I don't understand the system anymore! -_-
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    it could just be a little glitch, ever thought of that.
    In some cases it is because the people in your party are lagging.
    Luckily, I've never encountered problems like these.
  11. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Oh, I forgot to mention, I don't think there is a cure...except to have patience, eventually, they turned out the way I wanted, it took time, but just keep trying.
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I ahve to agree with Tex on that. An attribute a great forger must have is patience.
  13. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    the object that you are holding will be placed when the save function finishes. sometimes when you are holding an item and you have it angled slightly to give it better shape or what ever and there are other objects around or in your view that nudge it just slightly ( if you let go of the other stick) it will move when you pause, then save moved.

    example: I hold a double box. in between me and the box is a sheild wall ( annoying little things sometimes.) i want a VERY specific angle so I turn the box just slightly while in the air. but if i let go the right stick, it will move back. I think nothing of it.

    i pause (any changes you have of your right stick are now ignored and the box moves back.) i save the map, pause screen drops and the change comes back, unoticed. load up map. Fail U_U

    happens alot with me. my BEST solution: clear the area you are working with. AKA:set the objects around you to not to spawn at start and give yourself lots of time, 180 second respawn. and if you need to work with other objects as markers? well, best thing i do is i place spawn points onto the reference areas [example: I want a box at the corner of a another box: put spawn points on the two sides of a the corner on the floor ]

  14. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    You guys might want to note that I AM the host as I'm forging solo on a single XBOX. So is this a glitch or what? Cause every time I want to float at fence wall at an angle I have to save and quit. Then every time when I open the map again the bridges are not as they should be. It's like some kind of ghost moved them. Once one bridge even auto interlocked with another one at an awful angle after the save quit restart routine.
  15. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    I know but for the first save quit restart, they turned out fine, then for the next, and so on they weren't.

    No I'm not talking about objects im holding, I'm talking about objects that are already placed nicely there, like bridges on a double box.
    #15 Plyc, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Kai, a few things

    1) Don't double post, simply edit your previous post and delete the 2nd...will save you from trouble with the mods...

    2) Solo on the box and still using internet doesn't matter, it still provides lag..

    3) Like I said before, I understand the problem you are having, the only way it works, is if you try and try again.

    4) My last suggestion would be to just move on and go back to it later, maybe time away from said screwy bridge will save you..
  17. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I think I know what the problem is. Are you saving, then quitting a game with the first bridge, start again, set respawn time so you can interlock them, and the use the save and quit method with the second bridge, etc.? If you are, sadly, when you save and quit while interlocking at the same time, it hardly works, at least for me, unless when you start a game, you don't actually see the bridge you were interlocking with, which is one of those things that happens from time to time, then you are good, just start another round.
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    There is no save quitting involved, this process is simple interlocking...

    I know the exact problem he is having...

    It's pretty lame...
  19. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Objects moving a small distance is un-avoidable. It has happened on almost all maps i have played. You generally dont even notice it.

    If these objects are moving as much as you say they are, then you must have a problem with the way it saves. Perhaps the error is just with the specific map you are making, if so, start from scratch.
  20. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    hey you know i was just forging today and that exact same problem happened to me
    i dont know how to fix it

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