MLG Elapsed v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by tw khaotik, Jul 5, 2008.


What do you think of my map? (Only vote if you have played on the map!)

  1. 5 - Excellent

    2 vote(s)
  2. 4 - Good

    2 vote(s)
  3. 3 - Decent

    4 vote(s)
  4. 2 - Bad

    2 vote(s)
  5. 1 - Horrible

    3 vote(s)
  1. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG Elapsed (v3)
    Created by TW Khaotik

    MLG Elapsed v3

    Supported Gametypes:
    Mainly meant for MLG FFA But technically can go with any other FFA slayer

    Map Description
    This is my latest and great piece of work.
    Type: Of course, it is asymmetrical but definitely well balanced in weapons, spawns, and cover. Great map for competitive FFA.
    Weapons: One rocket launcher on a 5 minutes spawn timer. Tons of BRs and nades, all strategically placed. Along with a few maulers on the bottom level where they won't be of much use and they definitely won't get outta hand. Two Plasma Pistols really just to sap shields, i doubt they will be a focus of this map. Also a sniper on a 3 minute spawn timer.
    Description: Plenty of cover, strategically placed weapons and objects. 3 leveled with the 3rd level barely being considered a level. 2 stragically placed fusion coils in the general vicinity of the power weapons, so better watch out! There's a bit of interlocking and even though this is an FFA map.
    Breakdown: I separated it into 2 parts, A and B. And i quartered it by having the opposite halves being the power weapons. that way it is in 4 parts, rocket A, rocket B, sniper A, sniper B. Anyway, this is hopefully my best map yet, I'd like feedback. And of course, enjoy!


    Overall 1

    Overall 2

    Overall 3

    Overall 4

    Overall 5

    Overall 6

    Overall 7

    Overall 8


    Download MLG ELAPSED V3
    #1 tw khaotik, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  2. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    its very neat and organized and not symetrical which i like good job
  3. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why u vote horrible then?? if ur being sarcastic, jus take a look at the map in gameplay, it is very neat and organized
  4. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you need to fix your should be 2-bad,1-horrible. but other then that i like the layout of the map. 3/5
  5. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh, woops. well i can't fix it. Can a mod or some1 plz help me out. If a mod can't really help me out maybe they can jus delete this all together and i'll copy the code and make a new one. Quick before it's too late, i'm only saying delete it cuz its new and it wouldn't hurt to remake the thread
    #5 tw khaotik, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  6. Crouchaldhino

    Crouchaldhino Ancient
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    Not good not bad just aerage, maybe actually a little below average. Theres nothing reallyunique or cool about this map. 2/5
  7. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    Well it may not look great but its plays well. and i really don't always believe more interlocking better. Interlocking is nice but it doesn't always make things better. Somethings it just complicates things. This is really a map that u have to play, looking at the screenshots, it may look dull, but it is MLG after all and i wanna keep things simple and competitive. Too much crazy stuff degrades the competitive quality. All I'm saying is, from the pics u can't really get a good sense of the map quality and it may take a lil playing and testing to truly gauge the map. I went hardcore with this map so obviously there will be no sword, shotty, gravity hammer, or anything of the sort. As far as OS goes, i will never put an OS in a competitive map of mine. They are cheap and make fights unfair. OS really are not fun to play with, if i pass an OS in a real game, i don't pick it up. I wont stoop down to other people's level, I'd prefer to beat them fair and square.
    #7 tw khaotik, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  8. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    It's not an ordinary MLG map, and I like out of the ordinary. The map isn't a good lookin one, but it I'll DL and see how it plays.
  9. J3R3MY 117

    J3R3MY 117 Ancient
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    The part about this map that I find extraordinary is the simplicity and the great gameplay. Good job.
  10. Keitapath

    Keitapath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Game play gets cramped on the tower with the slanted bridge up to it, But plays fine otherwise. I'd recommend taking down several of the walls around it for a v4 map.

    Neatness: 4/5
    Creativity: 3/5
    Game Play: 3/5

    Bottom Line: 3/5
  11. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    keitapath! watsup man. glad u joined here, ur great at forginh. u should put some of ur maps up here. I know u say u don't like satire that much but I think its great, u should try it on here and see what people think. I haven't seen any of ur newer maps thos cuz of our connections problems :(
  12. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    The layout of the map is okay, although did not actually like the construction. I saw no geo-merging or just plain merging.

    I don't think this map will make for good game play, sorry to tell you...

  13. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    that's the thing. interlocking doesn't necessarily mean better. interlocking is cool but really isn't always needed.
  14. Dunkeldragon15

    Dunkeldragon15 Ancient
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    I got a couple things you cant have fusion coils in a MLG map. And im pretty sure that plasma pistols are not in MLG weapons. The map it self well it really does not look like it would be a good MLG map. If you want to see a proper MLG map go to HERE. Oh and i cant really tell from any of the pictures but you also cant have any moveable objects. If you are going to make an MLG map you have to have the right stuff. And this map more looks like a fun map to play with friends with normal slayer but no MLG. What i will do is download it and change the weapons myself. Then play with friends but this wouldnt be good for MLG. Atleast i dont think so.
  15. DrAyMeHr

    DrAyMeHr Ancient
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    My Review:

    Ok. I have played the map with some friends so here is what i think

    -Well balanced
    -Strategically placed scenery and weapons
    -Very fun

    Areas for improvement
    -a little more cover in the centre, i kept getting sniped in the face ='(
    -we played 5 player and at one point i had both the rocket and the sniper, and to be honest i was a little overpowered,

    So yeah, not a lot of areas for improvement, this is a good map. If you found my reveiw helpful and informative, please let me know, by adding to my rep =D
  16. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    nice overall
    its pretty cleanly forged, ill give you that
    it looks like fun too
    however, mlg maps are typically symmetrical, but i suppose as long as the bases are even its ok.
  17. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, actually the plasma pistol is an official MLG weapon and does appear on constuct and pit in MLG map types. Also there is nothing saying that you cannots have moveable object in MLG, just because Amp and Ons don't have any, doesn't necessarily mean they can't be on an MLG map. Coils add strategy to the map and can be an interesting factort. Yes MLG doesn't support them right now but i doubt this is gonna make it into the hopper anyway.

    Good review, +rep. I agree it is open in the center but i left it that way because a lot of Halo 3 maps MLG and non-MLG are usually more open in the center, heat maps show that most killing occurs there. Maybe i could use a lil more cover in the center bu i do want it to be less cover than the rest of the map. But what i will agree with you upon is the power weapons. I will try and change the spawn times on those. If an MLG game is 15 minutes, then i'll put rockets at 5 min spawn and sniper at 3. That way they will be a little less frequent and more desirable. So all in all, good review and you bought up a good point with the power weapons.
  18. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry for the dbl post but i felt it was necessary.

    I spent some time updating all my weapons to meet the requirements and standards of MLG weapon guide

    Also i touched up quite a few things and tinkered with object spawn times.
  19. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Very clean looking. Its very good. 4.5/5
  20. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks, and its even better when u play it :)

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