Sorry to be redundant but he has quite a solid point, and it is still worth using in Halo 3. If you are complaining about it being a skill-less weapon, then I expect that you aren't good enough with the skilled weapons to avoid dying to it. To each his own. Let others use this mediocre weapon as it is meant to be used and you can just steam as they kill you with it as you try and fail to pull off one-in-a-million shots over and over again. good luck on dealing with your misplaced anger, you might want to direct it towards how they have screwed the pistol over big time with every new game (poor fully automatic sniping pistol--)
Why in hell's name would you use an smg? the only weapon that is used less than it is the magnum. AR allows solid dam and the use of grenades and equipment, while duel spikers fills the niche for duel-wielders while adding some nice melee. leave the smg alone, it was just bungie's crappy nerfed AR sry for the scathing comments, ill leave you all to your own devices as nobody likes the uppity newbie (ie me)
When me and my friends play custom games, we always set BR to starting weapon. IT PWNS! Yes AR is for nooooobs EDIT: OH btw, they didn't nerf it.. its actually stronger then the halo 2 SMG
The assualt rifle is not for noobs. Everyone who says it is, needs a reality check. The AR is a good weapon, just beacause you can't get a kill with it, because you foucs all your time playing lame MLG and swat, totaly losing any skill you may have had with AR, does not mean it's a bad weapon, mabey if you took the time to use it, and get as good with as you are with BR, you might not create threads like this. Face the facts, the BR is not an uber weapon in all cases, Halo is a game of rock paper sciores, but with guns, if you fail to choose the right weapons, even if it means using the hated AR or shunned covie/duel weilding weapons, then you are truley missing out on the core essence of Halo gameplay, you need to be good with every weapon in the game. If you just use the Br, rockets, and sword, then you have the unfortuante problem of having to deal with players who are good with a variety of weapons. Quite wineing you MLG lossers.
i personally rather the AR as a starting weapon than the SMG. you can rely on the AR more than the SMG. But i still think the AR is a horrible weapon. They also ruined the BR and its bullet lagg
AR battles are fail, run at each other hold down the trigger and then mash the melee button, I hardly call that skill. It would be slightly more bearable if it weren't for the broken melee system which makes beatdowns ridiculous. All you said was that using it at the right time requires skill...yeah, a little bit, but two people fighting each other with BR's has a lot more depth to it due to a variety of factors (headshots, less aim assist, ability to utilize a strage, etc.)
SMG beats AR in certain situations(CQB) it also can be dual wielded, you're a nub if you can't use one.
guys this debate is going nowhere. I think we all should just agree to disagree and continue gaming in whatever way we please. They're never going to get rid of the AR or make adjustments to the game for it (or at least it's highly doubtful). So let's just accept this fact and move on.
yes a BR battle is much better than a AR battle but still i can out slay most of my opponents with the AR without getting up close.
Yes, rapidly mashing the R trigger at the other person's head until one of you dies is much more skillful.
Yeah it actually is considering how you can dodge their shots to keep them from getting headshots, and being able to hit someone while doing this is sort of difficult. I guess the sniper takes no skill either
Yeah I agree the sniper takes as much skill as the rocket does. lol But the shotgun, boy is that a weapon for the greats, I mean it really takes true skill to properly weild that thing.
Other than the fact that I'm horribly confused if this was meant to be sarcastic or you're actual thoughts, I really don't have a rebuttal for you at the moment because of the amount of confusion you've laid on me just then....
i actually find that the shotgun DOES take skill to use as it was intended. It has just been degraded into a shameless camping weapon for people who have no intent on getting better. Keeping your hands on the shotgun and killing your enemies while not being hidden in a hallway or corner greatly changes the idea of the weapon.
Yeah the AR isn't that bad... Its easy to use and effective if you know how to use it. You should really know how to use it because its the weapon you start out with.
I agree, that Rockets take an Ammount of skill to use properly. In H1, and Then again in H3, The Rocket is slowmoving and difficult to aim at distant far away targets. It takes skill to properly aim those weapons and use them effectivly at a distance
The sniper rifle doesn't fire three shot bursts. Nor does it have 36 rounds. Nor does it have a firing rate of 2.4 bursts per second. I can do this all day, but the point is, it takes skill to use every weapon in Halo effectively. Some may argue what skill is, but I define it as how well you can use it. I don't think that there are any real overpowered weapons (except maybe the plasma rifle compared to SMG) but the real thing is if you can't use it effectively, you're not skilled at it. If you can't learn how to use the Assault Rifle effectively, then learn it. If you think nubs are overusing the weapon, well duh. It's the starter weapon, what do you expect? It's good to learn how to use the basic starting weapon in Halo. That way, you can defend yourself while getting to different weapons.
I agree, the shotgun can be used better than others, it can take skill. Most people fail at me in close range shottying because I do it smart. Watch radar, throw nade, shoot...teabag. They just run in Right trigger, B Oh yeah, I was joking in my earlier post. Rocket does take some amount of skill with timing, but the sniper actually takes a fair amount of skill to be used with great success.
God, the sniper rifle takes alot of skill, I know because I have none with that weapon, but I guess it also has to do with weather you pre-fer short or long range weapons.