This post is from a Bnet poster in response to the map Isolated. victory is ours Bnet is slowly starting to realize how superior this site is. Natrual selection has started
too you're susceptible to -me insulting you (already done) -someone reporting the post (/stillitches) -negarep (so tempting) -mod getting angry with you (possibility) now we wait...and possibly discuss the reason for this thread...
LOLOLOLOLOL oh and as for the op, that happened forever ago...(not the individual post, but the realization of bungie<forgehub.)
My logic is illogical. I guess now, He has transcended the ranks from tard to become Bnet's smartest poster
Actually, I joined today. Suck It. Second of all. 'OMG MY REP IS RED' Quite frankly, I don't give a damn
you might not, but having red rep means no one cares what yoru saying (as if they already do) and you look like a noob. yes, a noob.
Oh no, A noob? Oh my sweet jesus. Oh my god, A noob! oh my god, I am so sorry everyone. I am so sorry for my hideous actions of accidental spamming. Dear god, what have I done!?!? What kind of pathetic, low-life scum would accidentally spam?!? Me, damn it all! My God, My God, what have I done?!?! *goes off to hang self* [/sarcasm]
Look Highlight, you have to realize, you are dealing with Sarge and Bnasty, two of the bigger a-holes of forgehub, so don't take anything they say too seriously (sorry boys, you know I love ya)
Tex speaks the truth, I would ignore 'em both until you get to know them, they're both sweeties irl. <Not Sarge, though 3 I'm calling for a lock, as the conversation in this topic has burnt down into flames.
The rest of the forging community seems to spite forgehub. I was playing with someone and his friend joined and started to admire my map and was saying how awesome it was, then I was like (to the other hubber)"Yeah, this'll probably be up on forgehub soon" the other guy was just like "Oh, this is a forgehub map" and was just untalkative for the rest of the session.