Those Little Things in Forge....

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by X5, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    [exaggeration]What are those little things in Forge, that when you come across them, you either switch to Player Mode and walk around you're map aimlessly, or set down the controller, drink alot of water, and force yourself to take a long piss just to avoid? Is it Forge Techniques? Objects? Spawn Placement? What? Rant about it here.[/exaggeration]


    For me, it has to be interlocking objects. As much as I love it, I hate it. I hate to love it actually. Most of the time, even with braces and guides to make sure I get it perfect, it never comes out right, and I am just a little bit off. So, I start the round again, and try to move it just an inch, but you can't. As soon as you grab a box it comes flying toward you, and you have to start placing it from scratch! And sometimes, it won't go back down unless you drop it, as if there is some unseen barrier keeping it from being lowered, no matter how hard you press down, until it shoots away from you like a rocket, and you are back to square 1.
    #1 X5, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
    J A Y likes this.
  2. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    Why don't you just practice, or try something else.

    If I'm forging, I do not purposly try to avoid things. I do them by myself because I can put a controller down. I would suggest experimenting and practicing alot, rather than purposly avoiding it.
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Uh, I think you missed the point... I was being over-exaggerative... I don't actually avoid it, I just pause for a moment before actually doing it.
  4. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    There's nothing wrong with that, you don't need to physically refrain yourself (e.g. drinking lots of water), can't you control your own actions?
  5. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    i agree with you about interlocking although i have got used to doing it it still annoys me from time to time as long as it dosent affect the gameplay i say leave it be
  6. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    interlocking two objects that are in midair, with no floor or anything to get the height right is a *****, even when you brace the hell out of it, takes a while to get perfect
  7. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    The most annoying part of forge (don't know if this happens to everyone), is when you start a new round to interlock without saving for a while, and the announcer says "Game Over" and you return to the lobby. What the blam is up with that? why would a new round end the game? i've had to remake a complete map from halfway through because of this. I can say that geomerging is a pain in the ass too, getting it straight, and getting it deep enough without it falling through the floor.
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Lol, omg the same thing happens to me sometimes, but I think it is mainly cause I subconsciously press End Game, cause I am used to Saving and then Quiting for floating objects =/ And ya, geomerging is a pain. Into the walls no so much, but the ground is hard. And is it just me, or is the technique where you place a box (x) walls high or w/e, and then spawning a box under, never works? It is always un-even for me, or goes all the way down..
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Yay, things that piss you off about forge, on a forge website! Brilliant! =P

    Anyways, I get irritated at merging...It's the one thing that just taaaakes forever to get perfect...
  10. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    It is spawns for me. I hate them so much.
  11. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Maan I avoid doing everything. I swear on some of the more complicated parts of my maps I must have spent 20 minutes jumping around and throwing equipment and grenades for every piece I placed.

    I can't really think what annoys me most though since I don't really do it that often. Accidentally pressing "go into player mode" instead of quitting when trying to save and quit i guess, resulting the object simply falling down instead of staying at the perfect angle I had finally managed to get the damn thing at.
  12. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Mine is geo-merging into a wall. ive spent a few weeks on and off trying to get it right. well i can get it the wall fine, it just sinks into the ground just a little bit aswell and that makes a bump with the other 2 boxes on the other side. so i havnt done much on that map in awhile because of that

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