looks good kind of reminds me of reflex with the bridge roof thing and like the arch rooms, anyway it looks good i like the map.
This map looks amazing. The Sign A and Sign B morphed together makes it look like another object, and it'd play good in FFA matches from the size of it. I'll definately dl, this. And if it reminds you of Reflex, it may be a good map.
thanx im just dled and this maps is goin to be having some hardcore raping by me goin on with my friends very soon.
looks really good, thers a good amount of cover and the map has some cool features, like the sign, looks neat and well made good job
This map rocks, I really love it. The layout is perfect for its size, its simple in gameplay terms but obviously involves complex forging, and the balance and symmetry are also really effective. I like the top area, and really like the grids of bridges that you drop through. That extra route really helps this maps circulation and gives more purpose to the back bottom area. There are plenty of routes up to the top with nicely placed cover, and the weapon and spawn placement seem top notch. I also love the nice A/B sign merge, its a perfect demonstration of the general quality of forging employed throughout this map. Very nice cam0flaug, this is gonna stay on my HD for a while.
whew this took like a week to forge and like another week to test it look so long to get everything right and trust me this map is so much fun to play 2v2 its my best work. t\im happy everyone is enjoying it
HOLY COW!!!! MAN RILEY WTTFEREWFDGS!!! This map is pwnzors! I love it when did you make this? while i was on vacation? Damn dude its awsome! I love all of it and i will definitly have to give this bad boy a download it looks flawless!
i got a game in on it, and it plays pretty well. i thought you did a fantastic job on it. most of the hot spots are on the ground level for us though, i dont know if you intended it for that. i was surprised by how many times i was no-scoped in such a confined level. however, the "sign" everyone has been fauning over seems more of an accident to me. was this the case that it just accidentally did that and was awesome?
for that i was trying to just get a 2 sided sign with a on one side b on other but i interlocked it perfectly and got a red/yellow slash on it so i kept it like that its pretty intense.
maybe just a few more walls and a few less cover doors, but thats probably just because i personally dont like doors as cover. however your map looks very excelent and you have my download. looks to me like a 4.5/5
hah- good quality map. I love the bridges that make a sort of lattice and perfect square gj--good job