Map Title: Nirvana v2 Revised version of my old Nirvana Map Download Map Download Gametype Description: This is my first map I have done. This map is named after my faveorite band Nirvana. The game variant that goes along with it is "KDK" (Kurt Dave Krist). Humans start out with Needlers because Kurt shot up heroine with needles, and a shotgun because thats what he was murdered with. I incorporated everything I have learned in forge in this map. This version of the map is much better. There are great hiding spots for the humans all over the map. The weapons on this map include Sniper Rifles x2, one flamethrower, 4 Magnums, 4 firebombs, 2 frags, one plasma geranade, one spike grenade. There is an elevator, a sniper roost, a small building, one mini maze,and one jacuzzi. Re-Spawn area/ back of level Jacuzzi Mini Maze Top of Tower Elevator Secret Room Entrance Back of Level Sniper Roost and Fence hiding area Inside the building Toilet lol
ok what you do is click on the link on the bottom of my signature it looks good from the one that works good luck if you need help pm me or a mod for help
hey it looks ok it could use some interlocking on the minimaze other than that and some asthetic improvements it looks quite playable
I see interlocking. It may not be the cleanest map, but interlocking is used. Also, the map is very plain, and has a lot of open space. But keep on trying.
its not a bad map, its ok looking, i would just clean it uo in a few places, but the inside of the building looks good, keep on forging.
this map does the name 'Nirvana' no justice. Nirvana was musical perfection, and this map needs serious help. bland, sloppy, wide open, and the weapons are not only picked inappropriatly, its a bad start in general. Kurt Cobain is crying in his grave
a map does not need interlocking to be good and also i think that you could improve on the part with the bridges flooting that part is so sloppy i am sorry but it is
im sorry please fix the first pic this iis whta you do click on it save it as ...... go to photobucket or imageshack then do upload then host copy and paste it here
This map is actually pretty cool, seeing as how I've played it, unlike you. I bet all you do is go around looking at pics of maps and get your only judgement from them. Let me see some of your maps, wait, you don't have any. The Gametype totally suits Kurt's lifestyle if you didn't notice. The map is well, just a map. Apparently you don't know about the gametype or you would have known why he called the map Nirvana. This map and gametype does Nirvana PLENTY of justice, but you won't know until you actually play it, right
um ya, this is my FIRST MAP, the only thing that has to do with Nirvana is the name and game type. so you can buzz off, and BTW HE WAS CREMATED IDIOT!